Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking 雅思口语词汇 +口语资料共计26条视频,包括:1. 30 Phrases to Talk about you、2. 30 Phrases to Talk about you、3. English Expressions To Talk等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
Advanced Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking including 10 less common words that you can use for a variety of topics.
Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking ListThe speaking module tests your ability to communicate in English fluently. However, this means that the student must be able to pronounce words correctly without hesitation. But that is not all. You need to understand the IELTS vocabulary words and use them when...
So in your IELTS exam, people will often ask you "What is your job", or "What kind of job do you have", or "What do you do for a living".在雅思考试中,人们会经常问你你的工作是什么,或者你有什么样的工作,或者你是做什么工作的。Now if that is going to be on your IELTS exam, ...
Solookforsomethingjustaboveyourlevel, right?所以要选择比你的水平高一点点的故事。Whenyouarereadingastory, focusontheplot.当你读故事的时候,把注意力集中在情节上。Focusonunderstandingwhatishappening, understandthecharacters, theevents, thesetting.专注于理解正在发生的事情,理解人物、事件和背景。Don'tfocus...
Use this to increase your vocabulary with useful speaking grammar, lexical resources and idioms and phrases for your speaking. Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking Topics Each link below covers a familiar topic on thespeaking testalong with extensive vocabulary lists, definitions, and a sample answer. ...
Here you can find IELTS speaking vocabulary for different topics you can face on IELTS Speaking test. Each word or phrase is followed by an example of its usage. Learn this advanced vocabulary and use it to gain more points on IELTS Speaking. You will enrich your English with uncommon ...
1. Complete IELTS Speaking vocabulary of 20 common topics 2. Tools to help learn IELTS Speaking vocabulary effectively 3. Revealing super effective ways to learn IELTS Speaking vocabulary Topics covered English and IELTS Learning vocabulary is the first step to practicing for the IELTS exam, especial...
Boost your IELTS Speaking score with Advanced Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking - Topic: Restaurant Food. Learn essential words and phrases to confidently discuss dining out and restaurant experiences, and impress examiners with your language skills.
On this page you can find very usefulIELTS speaking vocabularyforFoodtopic. By learning this vocabulary and using it to answer various questions about Food on IELTS Speaking test, you will achieve a high score. SeeIELTS Speaking sample about Food > ...