You can 5masterpiecesby DaVinci and Michelangelo with your own eyes in the Vatican, the world's smallestcountrly.In addition to its 6riches, Rome is famous for its hospitality(好客).Don't7if you don't speak Italian. A simple “Ciao”( pronounced “chow”; Englishmeaningbothn hello and ...
view J. presents Elegant performances by Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn in th e 1953 Hollywood classid "Roman Holiday" mad e th e ancient city a romantic destination.Many famous people, lik e Julius Caesar,, hav e left their marks on th e city. Th e 1“Rom e wasn't built in a ...
the Dynkin formula for the exponential map proved by following Duistermaat-Kolk, the 1-1 correspondence between connected linear groups and linear Lie algebras, roots, weights and diagrams of classical groups including their fundamental group... ...
proconsul :[prəu'kɔnsəl] (in ancient Rome) a governor of a part of the Roman Empire; (formal or pompous) an administrator in a colony usually with wide powers总督 ruminate: v. (formal) go over in the mind repeatedly and often slowly反刍;沉思;反复思考 E.g.: He ruminated ...
vegetation the plants of a place or region hatshepsut one of the first female pharaohs of ancient Egypt Ramses ii an ancient Egyptian pharaoh skilled as a military leader and responsible for many monuments-Huge STATUES noble someone of high birth or rank (high on social pyramid)關於...
Athens and Rome are bothcities in Europe.4. I saw some beautiful paintings at theonSaturday.5. Let's put somearound the room for the party.6.Ais a large statue that helps people rememberan important event or person.7. It's hard towhat life was like for the ancientGreeks.8.Ais a ...
Many experts believe that financial problems played a big role in the of Rome.6. In the years of the Roman Empire, fewer citizens were willing to defend the city.7. The pyramids in Egypt a resting place for many of the country's ancient kings.8. With the help of technology, scientists...
Ancient Rome 🤬social studies 12個詞語 Stella_Crazover 預覽 這個學習集的練習題 學習 1 / 7 用學習模式學習 pale white/grey horse that kidnaps people by luring them onto their backs, proceeding to take them down into the depths of rivers and lakes so they can drown; personifies floods; hoo...
Latin is the language that was spoken by the ancient Romans. We also have Latin to thank for a huge number of our English vocabulary words!
A formation of infantry carrying overlapping shields and long spears; group of men packed together (for attack or defense). Tyrant In ancient Greece, a ruler who had seized power without legal right to it. Oligarchy A system of government in which a small group holds power. Democracy A polit...