除了字典解释上看似相约的意思外 vitality是用来形容: 坚强或持久的「生命力」或「体力」 vibrancy除了形容人的活力状态外,亦会用于表达形容多姿多彩的生活方式...例如用来形容城市...a vibrant city意思是生气勃勃的城市。Vitality is exuberant physical strength or mental vigor: a person of great vi...
description n.记述;描述→describe vt.描写,叙述 8. impress vt.使印象深刻→impression n.印象→impressive adj. 令人印象深刻的 记得快·记得多 1.enthusiastic adj.热心的 [同义] warm-hearted adj.热心的 2.amazing adj.令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的 [联想] -ing 形容词集锦 ①exciting 令人激动的 ...
E.g.Now I begin to apprehend much more fully the power of the natural forces. Translation: The police are anxious to apprehend a middle-aged man believed to be armed with a gun. 2.【brand】v.label or mark with or as if with a brand to describe sb. or sth. as a very bad type ...
They are the result of the personal sin of individuals and in turn lead to personal sins. Temporal good the aspect of common good that focuses on the material and social needs that are part of earthly life Underground Church a term used to describe the Church when its gatherings are private...
A measure of disorder or randomness in a system, often used in physics to describe the tendency of systems to move toward chaos Epoch A distinct period in history or a person's life, typically marked by significant events or changes Idiom A phrase or expression whose meaning cannot be underst...
The report ___ on the dilemma of life in the big city.Do you know which ancient empire was ___ in the Andes Mountains?My sentence:___ adj. great in amount or degree For a long time the church wielded ___ influence on people.China’s civil servant exam attracts a ___ number...
No wonder my students look at me so strangely. …Seriously, if I, a functional idiot, am nearly off this chart, what can I do to be understood by my students (here in East Tennessee) but smallen my vocabulary even smaller? I try so hard to be understood…. Maybe I should just wave...
It's best used to describe a knickknack or a small good deed. bailiwick In one's area of interest or authority; the word derives from the area in which a bailiff, a minor court officer, presides. When the V.P. of Sales starts walking around the factory, complain that she's ...
Chapter 10 Vocab Squares. Chapter 10 Vocab Squares
📖 My personal list of cool words and their definitions, transformed and served in various ways. - vocab/README.md at master · StevenBlack/vocab