a nation or person joined with another for a special purpose almost - ad. a little less than completely alone - ad. separated from others along - ad. near or on ("along the road") already - ad. before now; even now als 10、o - ad. added to; too although - conj. even if it ...
【精品】VOA+Special+English必备单词搜索 VOA Speci al En g li sh 1 500 BASI C VOCABULARY n. (noun) - a nam e word v. (verb) - an action word ad. (adjective/adverb) - a describing word pre. (preposition) - a word used to show a relation pro. (pronoun) - a word used in pla...
VOA Special English Vocabulary(3) VOASpecialEnglishVocabulary(3) J jail-n.aprisonforthosewaitingtobetriedforacrimeorforthoseservingsente ncesforcrimesthatarenotserious jewel-n.avaluablestone,suchasadiamondoremerald job-n.theworkthatonedoestoearnmoney join-v.toputtogetherorcometogether;tobecomepartofora...
VOA Special English Vocabulary(6) VOASpecialEnglishVocabulary(6) W wages-n.moneyreceivedforworkdone wait-v.todelayacting;topostpone walk-v.tomovebyputtingonefootinfrontoftheother wall-n.thesideofaroomorbuildingformedbywood,stoneorothermaterial;astructuresometimesusedtoseparateareasofland want-v.to...
《VOA慢速英语(VOA_Special_English)1500基本单词》.doc,VOA Special English 1500 BASIC VOCABULARY n. (noun) - a name word v. (verb) - an action word ad. (adjective/adverb) - a describing word pre. (preposition) - a word used to show a relation pro. (pronoun
VOA_special_english_vocabulary英文电子资料.pdf,《VOS 慢速英语词汇表――中英文对照》 VOA 慢速英语听力词汇表-中英文对照 A. accept - v. to agree to receive 接受 accident - n. something that happens by chance or mistake; an unplanned event 事故 accuse - v.
文档标签: VOA Special English 英语 常用词汇 生产管理 VOASpecialEnglish1500BASICVOCABULARYn.(noun)-anamewordv.(verb)-anactionwordad.(adjective/adverb)-adescribingwordpre.(preposition)-awordusedtoshowarelationpro.(pronoun)-awordusedinplaceofanounconj.(conjunction)-ajoiningword---Aable-v.havingthepow...
VOA Special English 1500 BASIC VOCABULARY n. (noun) -a name word v. (verb) - an action word ad. (adjective/adverb) -a describing word pre. (preposition) -a word used to show a relation pro. (pronoun) -a word used in place ofa noun conj. (conjunction) -a joining word --- A ...
文档介绍:VOA SPECIAL ENGLISH BASIC VOCABULARY美国VOA Special English 1500个基本单词表PARTS OF SPEECH v. (verb) - an action word ad. (adjective/adverb) - a describing word prep. (preposition) - a word used to show a relation pro. (pronoun) - a word used in place of a noun conj. (...
voa special english basic vocabulary,1、271kb,100页,2、涵盖了voa出现过的从a到z中所有基础英语单词3、此资料是全英英版,配有英语解释,适合有一定基础的英语学习者4、摘节如下:technical - ad. involving machines, processes and materials in industry, transportat... ...