Bruce Protocol The Bruce Protocol Treadmill stress Test / Vo2 max calculator can be used to calculate approximate Vo2 max which is a measure of cardiovascular fitness , expressed in mL O2 consumed/kg body weight/minute. This method has 10 stages, with each stage lasting 3 minutes and increasi...
VO2 Max Calculator你可能也喜歡 Health Hive: Compare Metrics Health Watcher: Heart & Oxygen 健康與健身 StressFace 健康與健身 Tyre Pressure 健康與健身 Lung Breathing Exercise 健康與健身 Heart Analyzer: Pulse Tracker 16:8 Fast Tracker: FastMinder...
VO2 Max Calculator 4+ Theo Scott USD 1.99 只適用於 Apple Watch Apple Watch 螢幕截圖描述 Lay down and take a VO2 Max reading. 3 mins. Simple. How is this done? Read this published scientific paper by UTH N., SORENSEN H., OVERGAARD K., PEDERSEN PK. (2004) Estimation of VO2max ...
VO2max, but it requires access to sophisticated laboratory equipment that most people don't have. If you don't have access to a laboratory equipped for VO2max measurement, you can still reasonably estimate your VO2max by using any one of the four calculators on our VO2max Calculator page...
vo2max: bruce protocol quickly measure and calculate your vo2max and cardiovascular capacity bruce protocol calculator vo2max is a measurement of your body's ability to process a volume of oxygen and is indexed to your body mass. achieving and maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system is one ...
Enter your heart rate and the time to walk a mile into the calculator. The charts show the standards for women and men by age group. Notice the difference it makes to improve from poor to fair on the charts below! Calculate your VO2 max & other fitness metrics. Walking Fitness ... Reply User profile for user: Jeff Donald Jeff Donald User level: Level 7 29,693 points Jun 23, 2024 4:01 PM in response to SueB57 The scale is weighted. As we advance in age your VO2 will naturally decline. There’s a formula ...
Vo2max predictive calculator. Whenever you run and want to see your performance and have an idea of what your vo2max is, enter the data and view the result. Distance, time, pace converter. Set two fields and get the third. Note: you must enter two fields and leave the result blank,...
Find your score from the calculator above, then look just to the right on the chart to see your VO2. If you are 22 years old or younger, multiply your score from the calculator by 0.81.Here is the chart for men. Age group is in the left column, death risk and fitness rating are ...
The purpose of the current study was to determine the accuracy of Jack Daniels' VDOT Running Calculator for the prediction of Vo(2)max, and recommendations of interval and training paces (pIN and pTH) in samples of National Collegiate Athletic Association Division 1 track athletes (ATH, n = ...