Fümedolös, das desinol ad dunön atosi, das suemol sekis, e das dunol atosi bai [[{{MediaWiki:Policy-url}}]].", "actioncomplete": "Dunot eplöpon", "actionfailed": "Dunot eneplöpon", "deletedtext": "Pad: \"$1\" pemoükon;\n$2 jonon moükamis nulik.", ...
The first group is an integrate-and-fire model of a neuron [32,33,35], which has three main states: the accumulation of action potential state due to charging the capacitor, the spike generation state, when the capacitor is discharged, and the VO2 switch goes into a highly conductive ...
一切都如此顺理成章——合适的人,合适的时间,合适的技术手段——接下来的几年,三方(肖百龙/李雪明,Ardem Patapoutain/Andrew B. Ward,Rod Mackinnon)几乎同时获得了Piezo1的高分辨率结构[22-24],而Piezo2的高分辨率结构也随后为肖/李合作解出[25]。 Piezo的造型十分独特。它是由三个单体组成的三叶螺旋桨状结...
Fümedolös, das desinol ad dunön atosi, das suemol sekis, e das dunol atosi bai [[{{MediaWiki:Policy-url}}]].", "actioncomplete": "Dunot eplöpon", "actionfailed": "Dunot eneplöpon", "deletedtext": "Pad: \"$1\" pemoükon;\n$2 jonon moükamis nulik.",...
"Logön samafomotapadi", "viewhelppage": "Jonön yufapadi", "categorypage": "Jonolöd kladapadi", "viewtalkpage": "Logön bespikami", "otherlanguages": "In püks votik", "redirectedfrom": "(Pelüodükon de pad: $1)", "redirectpagesub": "Lüodükömapad", "redirectt...
Fümedolös, das desinol ad dunön atosi, das suemol sekis, e das dunol atosi bai [[{{MediaWiki:Policy-url}}]].", "actioncomplete": "Dunot eplöpon", "actionfailed": "Dunot eneplöpon", "deletedtext": "Pad: \"$1\" pemoükon;\n$2 jonon moükamis nulik.", "...