Web&SEOVNProDev Group
满69可用 仅可购买南孚品牌部分产品商品 立即领取 50 满500可用 仅可购买电脑配件商品 立即领取 5 满19可用 仅可购买传应/益圆部分商品 立即领取 9.8 满20000可用 仅可购买戴尔台式机、一体机商品 最高可减2000元 立即领取 50 满1000可用 仅可购买111商品 立即领取 50 满700可用 仅可购买店铺能使用优惠券的商...
办公设备 办公日用 企业用车 营销福利
The privacy laws and regulations of the European Union set a new global standard for privacy rights, security, and compliance for the citizens and residents of the European Union (EU). Privacy governs the handling and use of personal data of EU citizens and residents. Enforcement begins May 25...
Some features work differently or not at all, depending on whether your Business Central solution is in the cloud or on-premises.
彪马PUMA彪马官方正品 新款儿童针织卫衣连帽舒适保暖复古运动服 深蓝80802 150cm ¥369 探路者(TOREAD)旗舰 儿童冲锋外套男女中大童装秋冬加绒衣 水手蓝本白朱雀红 150 ¥598 骆驼儿童冲锋衣春秋防风防水户外运动休闲外套中大童A63CATR151A5 ¥639 安德玛(Under Armour)童装宽松男童T恤儿童字母印花圆领短袖速干大童上衣...
This article describes the feature that limits how payment tokens are used in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce. Token usage is restricted to the scope of a sales order or, if customer consent is granted, is stored as a card on file.
Specifies that the method is a SendNotificationHandler method, which handles Send statements.Applies ToMethod Lưu ý The SendNotificationHandler attribute can only be set inside codeunits with the SubType property set to Test.SyntaxVersion: Available or changed with runtime versi...
Get started Architectural overview Implementation Set up your channels Merchandising your products and services Manage your orders Customer orders Sales orders Distributed order management (DOM) Order fulfillment and processing Returns and refunds Create returns in POS ...