2023年世界女排联赛VNL美国阿林顿总决赛土耳其女排14人名单主攻(4人):巴拉丁,伊尔金,萨里哈.沙辛,德尔亚副攻(3人):艾达,泽赫拉,卡拉奇接应(2人):卡拉库尔特,瓦尔加斯二传(2人):奥兹巴伊,艾里弗.沙辛自由人(3人):奥格,阿伊卡,阿克 5楼2023-07-12 09:20 回复 JinHo🥕 排坛元老 15 美国女排总决赛14人名单...
Thefinal roundof the 2023 Women's VNL is scheduled to take place in Arlington, Texas (United States)from 12 to 16 July. Read on to learn more about the competition format, the schedule, the teams and standout players to watch. Volleyball Nations...
Women's Volleyball Nations League (VNL) 2023, semi-finals preview: Full schedule and how to watch live action The semis are set to take place on Saturday (15 July): Poland vs the People's Republic of China and USA vs Türkye. Which team can secure a place in Sunday's highly antici...
淘汰赛签表将由预赛最终排名所决定。 2023年世界女排联赛:参赛球队和值得关注的明星选手 **意大利:**球队14人大名单中有11人是去年女排世界联赛的夺冠功臣,但卫冕冠军又一次缺失了明星选手保拉·埃格努。不过意大利主教练大卫·马扎蒂还是将这位2022年世界女排联赛最有价值球员包含在了参赛名单内,她最近曾宣布会在8月...