例如反向链接技术、应用层网关ALG(Application Level Gateway)技术、打洞技术(Hole Punching)、中间件技术等。每一种NAT穿越技术都有自己适用的场景。例如ALG技术,只支持某些特殊协议的NAT穿越;打洞技术对NAT类型比较敏感,只支持锥型NAT,不支持对称NAT。所以,在实际使用中,要根据应用自身的特点,选择合适的NAT穿越技术...
[Huawei]display nat algNAT Application Level Gateway Information: --- Application Status --- dns Disabled ftp Disabled rtsp Enabled sip Disabled pptp Disabled --- 如果DNS的NAT ALG未使能,请使用nat alg使能NAT ALG。 如果DNS的NAT ALG已使能,故障仍然存在,请执行步骤4。 检查配置的重叠地址池到临时地址...
includemime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; log_format main '$status $remote_addr $request'; access_log /tmp/nginx/access.log main; tcp_nopushoff; tcp_nodelayon; client_max_body_size256m; client_body_buffer_size128m; client_header_timeout1m; client_body_timeout10m; send_tim...
Machine learning;Encryption;Discrete wavelet transforms;Cybersecurity;discrete wavelet transform;encrypted traffic;machine learning (ML);network traffic classification;uncertainty quantification;virtual private networks (VPNs)}, Link: https://www.ll.mit.edu/r-d/datasets/vpnnonvpn-network-application-traffic...
calendar_view_week ll_mit_tw64_complete.csv Summary arrow_right folder 6 files arrow_right calendar_view_week 62 columns lightbulb See what others are saying about this dataset What have you used this dataset for? Learning 0Research 0Application 0LLM Fine-Tuning 0 How would you describe this...
The way in which an application uses NAT traversal depend upon several factors, including how long-lived a port mapping needs to be and whether the port is used by multiple clients or services.Note To avoid orphaned mappings and the depletion of available ports for use by other applications, ...
The way in which an application uses NAT traversal depend upon several factors, including how long-lived a port mapping needs to be and whether the port is used by multiple clients or services.Note To avoid orphaned mappings and the depletion of available ports for use by other applications, ...
把"服务"中的Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)和Application Layer Gateway Service从"手动"改为"自动",也没用。win2016重启后,共享还是丢失。 如果是Windowsserver版,可以选择用ICS,也可以选择用RRAS NAT来共享网络。建议用RRAS。 "专用网络"类似 VMware 的Host网络,客户机不能访问外网。客户机也不能访问宿主机。
default_type application/octet-stream; log_format main'$status $remote_addr $request'; access_log/tmp/nginx/access.log main; tcp_nopush off; tcp_nodelay on; client_max_body_size256m; client_body_buffer_size128m; client_header_timeout1m; ...
4 Course Info Course Evaluation Course Introduction This course introduces you to the NAT Gateway service and shows basic operations. Course Objectives Learn the basic concepts, application scenarios, key features, and basic operations of NAT Gateway. ...