VMware Workstation Pro Download入口: VMware Fusion Pro Download入口: Mac用户选Fusion,Windows用户选Workstation。 我要Windows版本的,打开页面如上图所示,这里一定需要选择“For Personal Use”的版...
4、登录后选择VMware Cloud Foundation 5、进入此界面后使用Ctrl+F 组合键,进行搜索:VMware Workstation Pro,或向下拉找到 VMware Workstation Pro,并点击进入 搜索后 6、选择 VMware Workstation Pro 17.0 for Personal Use (Windows) 第一个选项应该是个企业级用户的,我们注册的如果是个人用户的话就不能使用 7...
broadcom收购vmware,VMware workstation pro个人可以免费使用了 无线通信巨头博通(Broadcom)收购vmware了后,VMware workstation pro针对个人用户来说免费了。对于习惯使用VMware虚拟机的用户来说无疑是一个好消息。下面介绍下如何获取该软件的安装文件。进入Broadcom官方网站,使用原来的VMware账号登录,发现无效。只好重新...
How to get VMware Workstation Pro 17 for free? To get VMware Workstation Pro, you need to register on the Broadcom website, and then download and install the Hypervisor application on your Windows computer. Now, we will provide the detailed steps. ...
这里可以看到,VMware Workstation Pro for Windows 安装包【VMware-workstation-full-17.5.2-23775571.exe】大小为 618.26 MB 于5月10日更新。 安装VMware Workstation Pro 安装包下载完成后,双击安装。这里可以看到,版权协议已经变更为 Broadcom。 下一步,接受条款。
VMware 的绝大部分收入来自于为企业提供虚拟化服务。 您的赞赏是对我们的鼓励,We’ll be more solid with your donations....
Optimize cloud infrastructure with VMware for app platforms, private cloud, edge, networking, and security.
Cookies By clicking Accept Cookies, you understand that Broadcom and third-party partners use technology, including cookies to, among other things, analyze site usage, improve your experience and help us advertise. For more details, please see our Cookie Notice. Accept Cookies Cookies Settings... Fusion 13.5.2下载地址 Downloads and Documentation ...
For Workstation: In case you have enabled Encryption on the guest Virtual Machine and have added vTPM device from VM settings before proceeding with ...