首先,打开VMware Workstation Pro,选择你要迁移的虚拟机,然后点击“文件”菜单中的“导出为OVF”选项,将虚拟机导出为OVF文件。然后,在VMware Workstation 15.5 Player中,选择“文件”菜单中的“导入OVF”选项,将刚刚导出的OVF文件导入到VMware Workstation 15.5 Player中。 三、使用VMware Workstation 15.5 Player 现在...
VS VMware Workstation Pro: 商业软件,付费,功能强大,体积较大 Vmware Player : 体积更小巧,完全免费, 感觉和Virtual Box类似,并且新版本已经支持新建虚拟机 ,更适合个人使用
VMware Workstation Pro is the complete version of VMware Workstation Player that comes equipped with all the restricted features of the VMware Workstation Player and many more. You can try the VMware Workstation Pro for free for a 30-day trial period before buying the license of the tool. T...
在“百度网盘开发板配套资料\01_Tools (工具)\01_Tools.zip”中,VMWare安装软件是:VMware-workstation-full-15.1.0-13591040.exe。 安装方法见下图: VMWare安装完成后,有两个软件,它们都可以使用,建议使用第2个: ① Vmware Workstation Pro:这是收费的,可以试用30天。 ② Vmware Workstation 15 Player:这是免...
1 首先去VMware官网下载VMware Workstation 15 Player软件,完成下载后,双击安装包打开安装程序。2 双击安装包后,安装程序会先进行安装准备。3 安装准备完成后,会出现VMware Workstation 15 Player安装向导。点击【下一步】继续。4 查看用户协议,然后勾上“我接受许可协议中的条款”后,点击【下一步】继续。5 ...
总结 1 1、打开VMware Workstation 15 Player程序。2、点击【创建新虚拟机】.3、选择想安装的操作系统iso文件所在路径。4、输入【个性化Linux】的相关信息。5、输入虚拟机名称和虚拟机文件存放路径。6、设置“最大磁盘大小”为所需的大小。7、显示虚拟机相关的配置信息,点击【完成】开始安装虚拟机。
VMware Workstation Pro 14.x (for Windows) VMware Workstation 10.x (Linux) VMware Workstation Player 15.x (Linux) VMware Workstation 11.x (for Windows) VMware Workstation 9.x (Windows) VMware Workstation 8.x (Windows) VMware Workstation Pro 15.x (Windows) VMware Workstation Pro 16.x ...
When it comes to virtualization, one of the critical aspects to consider is the range of guest operating systems each platform supports. VMware Workstation Player and VMware Workstation Pro both allow users to run multiple guest operating systems on a single physical machine, but they differ in ...
VMware Workstation Player主程序 链接:https://my.vmware.com/cn/web/vmware/free#desktop_end_user_computing/vmware_workstation_player/15_0 校验和MD5 求和校验: 265605f926c92789c7e08ded94f9d241 SHA1 求和校验: 3fcd836a7f15e67a49863fb393860ae87ad87379 ...