虚拟机(vm)配置: 无 2) VST - Virtual Switch Tagging 通过在虚拟交换机中配置多个port group对应多个vlan, 物理交换机启动trunk 优点:VMware推荐的方式,可以在ESXi的一个物理端口支持多个vlan 缺点: 配置比较复杂 物理交换机配置: switchport trunk encap dot1q 虚拟交换机(vSwitch)配置: 在ESXi 'Configuration' ...
首先我们已经知道创建标准交换机端口组需要使用 HostNetowrkSystem MO 的 AddPortGroup 方法, 所以调用该方法的前提就是能够获取到HostNetowrkSystem MO. 但遗憾的是我们无法通过 oslo.vmware 模块提供的get_objects invoke_api来直接获取, 这就需要我们费些心思去找到其上级且可使用get_objects invoke_api来获取的 MO....
Configuring LACP on a vSphere Distributed Switch Port Group (2034277) SSH returns: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-dss Advanced LACP Configuration Using esxcli vCenter Server Appliance displays a warning message on ESXi Host Client (67671)...
and associated portgroups on the next reboot of host. See this script as an example: ~# esxcfg-advcfg -s 0 /Net/BMCNetworkEnable The value of BMCNetworkEnable is 0 and the service is disabled. ~# reboot On host reboot, no virtual switch, PortGroup and VMKNIC are created in the host...
In the right pane, click the Configure tab, choose Networking > Virtual Switches, locate the switch port group to be configured, and click . Figure 4-21 Selecting the port to be configured Choose Edit from the shortcut menu. Figure 4-22 Selecting Edit In the Properties settings, configu...
# esxcfg-vswitch -m 9000 vSwitch2 要创建支持巨帧的 VMkernel 连接,请执行以下操作: 对于ESX 3.5 和 ESXi/ESX 4.x,请运行以下命令: # esxcfg-vmknic -a -iip_address-n netmask -m MTUportgroup_name 示例: # esxcfg-vmknic -a -i -n -m 9000 iSCSI ...
# port link-type access # port default vlan xx 1. 2. 虚拟交换机(vSwitch)配置: 无 虚拟机(vm)配置: 无 2. VST – Virtual Switch Tagging 通过在虚拟交换机中配置多个port group对应多个VLAN, 物理交换机启动trunk 优点:VMware推荐的方式,可以在ESXi的一个物理端口支持多个vlan ...
For these Edge models, the fix restores VLAN switching among ports of the same switched port group. However, VLAN switching between switched ports of 2 different switched port groups still does not work properly. For example, VLAN switching between LAN2 and LAN6 does not work as expected, ...
但這真的也不算大問題,vSphere Distributed Switch本身就有支援RSPAN功能可以把對應port-group的封包往監聽軟體送。另外前面的網誌也展示了如果真的要下指令,我們可以直接到vSphere裡面把對應VM網卡的封包擷取下來並匯出,再交由監聽軟體進行封包分析。 網路日誌的收集與組態稽核分析 ...
# esxcfg-vswitch -m 9000 vSwitch2 要创建支持巨帧的 VMkernel 连接,请执行以下操作: 对于ESX 3.5 和 ESXi/ESX 4.x,请运行以下命令: # esxcfg-vmknic -a -iip_address-n netmask -m MTUportgroup_name 示例: # esxcfg-vmknic -a -i -n -m 9000 iSCSI ...