我几年前跑过测试,nvme存储Paravirtual SCSI性能比LSI好,但不如直通。网络方面vmxnet比e1000好,但不如...
对于 SCSI 控制器,您可以选择 BusLogic、LSI Logic 或 LSI Logic SAS。如果要在 ESX 主机中创建远程虚拟机,您还可以选择 VMware 准虚拟 SCSI (Paravirtual SCSI, PVSCSI) 适配器。 BusLogic 和 LSI Logic 适配器具有并行接口。LSI Logic SAS 适配器具有串行接口。LSI Logic 适配器已提高性能,与通用 SCSI 设备...
Virtual SCSI Adapters VMware provides two commonly used virtual SCSI adapters for Windows Server 2019: LSI Logic SAS and VMware Paravirtual SCSI (PVSCSI). The default adapter when creating new VMs running Windows on vSphere is LSI Logic SAS, and this adapter can satisfy the requirements of most ...
Follow guidelines in these VMware Knowledge Base articles: • Configuring disks to use VMware Paravirtual SCSI (PVSCSI) adapters at http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1010398 • Do I choose the PVSCSI or LSI Logic virtual adapter on ESX\ESXi 4.0 for non-IO intensive workloads? ...
对于每个虚拟机内的应用程序和客户机操作系统,存储子系统显示为与一个或多个虚拟SCSI磁盘相连的虚拟SCSI控制器。虚拟机只能查看和访问以上类型的SCSI控制器。这些控制器包括BusLogic Parallel、LSI Logic Parallel、LSI Logic SAS和VMWare Paravirtual。 虚拟SCSI磁盘通过数据中心的数据存储元素制备。数据存储就像一个存储设...
Virtuális hálózati adapter VMXNET3 paravirtualizált hálózati adapter (NIC); engedélyezze a vendég windowsos fogadóoldali skálázást (RSS) a virtuális hálózati adapteren. Memory (Memória) Használjon teljes virtuálisgép-foglalási memóriát a WSFC-fürt csomópontjaihoz. Növ...
• LSI Logic SAS. Default for Windows 2008 and newer. Required for Microsoft Cluster Service (MCSC) within Windows 2008 and later releases. • VMware Paravirtual (PVSCSI). The highest performing vSCSI controller with a default adapter queue depth of 254 I/O operations and a per-device ...
Use VMware Paravirtual SCSI controller for the best performance. For the best performance consider distributing disks evenly across as many SCSI controllers as possible and use VMware Paravirtual (PVSCSI) controller (provides better performance with lower CPU usage and is a preferred way to attach clus...
Some operating system vendors are gradually withdrawing support for SCSI in favor of SAS, making the LSI Logic SAS controller a good choice for future compatibility. VMware Paravirtual This vSCSI controller is a high-performance adapter that can result in greater throughput and lower CPU utilization....
LSI Logic SAS – This is an evolution of the parallel driver to support a new future facing standard. It began to grown popularity when Microsoft required its use for MCSC within Windows 2008 or newer. VMware Paravirtual (aka PVSCSI) – this vSCSI controller is virtualization aware and was be...