2.RE: VMware vCenter Converter Standalone Could not start service Broadcom Employee Plamen Atanassov Posted Jan 22, 2023 09:05 PM ReplyReply Privately Hello, If the issue is still relevant, could you please examine or post the installation log file? It's full path...
解决:将Converter Standalone安装在源Windows虚拟机,勾选Local installation模式,迁移时勾选This local machine。这样可以提高迁移的成功率。 8、安装 vCenter Converter standalone 6.x 时,安装会完成,但会出现弹出窗口“无法启动服务 (Could not start service)”。 解决:在Windows注册表编辑器中打开HKEY_LOCAL_MACHI...
官网:Converter官网百度云链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1WD5Ec6fU7_SJAV90VUeetw 提取码:58hr 2、安装 双击msi文件安装,一直下一步即可 3、 报错解决 安装完成之后,会在桌面显示一个客户端 双击客户端很久无响应,最后报错 “vCenter Converter 6.2 could not start service 无法启动服务”。这是因为Converter...
解决:将Converter Standalone安装在源Windows虚拟机,勾选Local installation模式,迁移时勾选This local machine。这样可以提高迁移的成功率。 6、安装 vCenter Converter standalone 6.x 时,安装会完成,但会出现弹出窗口“无法启动服务 (Could not start service)”。 解决:在Windows注册表编辑器中打开HKEY_LOCAL_MACHI...
(at C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone) 4、如果3步报错,提示报错:error 29142 could not start service vstor2 mntapi2.0driver(shared)。将源主机重启即可。(原因是源主机以前做过P2V或安装过相关VMware软件) 重启源主机后使用converter standaloneP2V抓取源主机正常。
Runmsconfigon the source server to reduce the number of services and applications running at startup. Only Microsoft services and the VMware Converter Service should be running. Install VMware SCSI drivers into the machine before conversion. Windows tries to Plug-n-Play the new SCSI Controller, an...
VMWARE-CONVERTER.EXE / vmware-converter.exe + 安装路径 C:\Programmi\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vmware-converter.exe + 文件描述 VMware Converter Service + 版本 80011006 + 产品名称 VMware vCenter Converter Standalone + 描述
9. RE: VMware Converter error 0 Recommend esiebert7625 Posted Feb 21, 2007 01:21 AM It's failing to get the volumes disk number, it might be that there are so many volumes it is getting confused. I'm really not sure, maybe one of the Vmware techs that post here could help....
Optimize cloud infrastructure with VMware for app platforms, private cloud, edge, networking, and security.
While converting P2V using VMWARE Vcenter Converter standalone it is giving error " FAILED: Unable to create a VSS snapshot of the source volume(s). Error code:2147754758 (0x80042306)." I have contacted VMWARE then they told me it is Microsoft problem so you involve micosoft into it. SO...