The set fe slot fe-id vmt command sets the virtual threshold for CBS and PBS. Format set fe slot slot-value fe-id fe-value vmt vmt-value Parameters ParameterDescriptionValue fe-id fe-value Specifies a chip ID.The value varies with different router hardware. The value is an integer that...
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The set fe slot fe-id vmt command sets the virtual threshold for CBS and PBS. Format set fe slot slot-value fe-id fe-value vmt vmt-value Parameters ParameterDescriptionValue fe-id fe-value Specifies a chip ID.The value varies with different router hardware. The value is an integer that...
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To set the virtual threshold for CBS and PBS, run the set fe slot fe-id vmt command. Precautions In LS mode, this command is supported only by the service LSs. Example # Set the virtual threshold for CBS and PBS. <HUAWEI>system-view[~HUAWEI]diagnose[~HUAWEI-diagnose]set fe slot1fe-...
To set the virtual threshold for CBS and PBS, run the set fe slot fe-id vmt command. Precautions In LS mode, this command is supported only by the service LSs. Example # Set the virtual threshold for CBS and PBS. <HUAWEI>system-view[~HUAWEI]diagnose[~HUAWEI-diagnose]set fe slot1fe-...