PS C:\>Get-VMSwitchExtensionSwitchFeature-SwitchNameMySwitch The following command returns all the configured features on the switch named MySwitch. Parameters -CimSession Runs the cmdlet in a remote session or on a remote computer. Enter a computer name or a session object, such as the output...
the command i used: New-VMSwitch -Name "SET" -NetAdapterName "Ethernet 3","Ethernet 4" this behaviour occurs in both servers.
Also I suggest you look at using internal VM Switch. In my opinion it is a more robust solution than external switch.#5812#5072 @asloan7do you mind trying to see if@brainfullwill comment helps ? Looks like that is under Windows Defender, but my laptop is using Symantec Endpoint Protectio...
I'm not using Hyper-V, I know it is used by Core Isolation / Memory integrity, but that is turned off on my system. Suggestions? If we not use Hyper-V, please try to uninstall Hyper V and then reboot the server, check if it could work. ...
I have spent the last couple of days trying to get my Windows 10 Pro Hypervisor to work. It was working well till a few days. However, the Virtual Switch...
Boot machine, sit and wait. No other steps are necessary for this to happen on my machine. Not sure what I can do to mitigare this. Expected Behavior WSL2 should not restart network interface Hyper-V-VmSwitch every 2-10 minutes.
everyone! I got a problem with using hyper-v. When I use the switch what I create on hyper-v and reboot my PC, I get an error log from Hyper-V-VmSwitch. But when I use the default switch, I don't get any error log from Hyper-V-VmSwitc. ...
When I use the switch what I create on hyper-v and reboot my PC, I get an error log from Hyper-V-VmSwitch. But when I use the default switch, I don't get any error log from Hyper-V-VmSwitc. Could anybody shed some light on it for me?
This is done so that my cluster has two cluster networks rather than 1.As this is a production server, I'm not keen to change any networking configuration right now (we all know how well that went in the old days!), but I do have another server I can play around with. I'll see...
I have managed to stop this problem. On my Hyper-V system it was causing network performance issues. To solve it I reinstalled Hyper-V, the steps I followed: Shut down all VMs Remove the network adapter from each VM Delete the virtual switch ...