Veeam Backup & Replication Own, control, back up and recover all your data, anywhere in the hybrid cloud Meet recovery objectives with confidence Reduce risk with comprehensive data security Accelerate your move to the hybrid cloud Proactive Monitoring & Analytics ...
Gives Small to Mid-Sized Businesses an Easy-to-Use, Cost Effective Alternative to Tape and Off-Site Backup Storage; Automatically Copies VMware or Hyper-V VM Backups to Any One of 15 Cloud Storage Providers
Instantly leverage your VMware backups in a virtual sandbox for application development and patch testing to achieve your business transformation. Protect VMware, cloud, physical and more Extend powerful protection to your entire environment at any time without licensing headaches thanks to Veeam Universal...
Backup, recovery and retention are the core tenets to common data protection software. However, what you should be looking for is a modern data protection solution — one that truly focuses on keeping your data safe with the data security and flexibility to provide on-premises and cloud data ...
Cloud Backup for Virtual Machines の内部データベースを復旧する VM をバックアップから復元する VM を復元する際には、選択したバックアップ コピーを使用して既存のコンテンツを上書きするか、削除した VM をバックアップ コピーから復元できます。 元のESXi ホストにマウントされている...
您可以使用 [複製]按鈕將命令複製到剪貼簿。 要貼上命令,請在 Cloud Shell 終端中,以滑鼠右鍵按一下新行,然後選取 [貼上],或使用 Shift+Insert 鍵盤快速鍵 (在 macOS 上為 ⌘+V)。 接下來,再定義一些便利的變數,以擷取 VM 與「資源群組」的「名稱」。 您在此處使用的是預先建立的資源...
如果使用基于 cloud-init 的 Linux 分发版(例如 Ubuntu),出于安全原因,还原后将阻止密码。 请在还原的 VM 上使用 VMAccess 扩展重置密码。 我们建议在这些分发版中使用 SSH 密钥,这样,在还原后就无需重置密码。 如果在还原后因 VM 与域控制器的关系遭到破坏而无法访问 VM,请执行以下步骤来启动 VM: 将OS 磁盘...
You can restore disks on a single VM to a specified VM. Before the restoration, ensure that the target VM has the same disk controllers as the backup VM. Or, the restoration will fail. Prerequisites A full backup has been performed for the VM disks to be restored, and the backup status...
Backup Hyper-V VM with Veeam Backup & Replication and benefit from ✔ agentless backup ✔ high-speed recovery ✔granular recovery for Microsoft Tier 1 apps ✔ cloud restore to Microsoft Azure! Download now a free trial !
Restore a backed-up VMware VM to an ECS instance,Cloud Backup:After a VMware virtual machine (VM) is backed up, you can restore the VMware VM to an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance if the VMware VM fails. This topic describes how to restore a VMwar