要根據D2:D18中的值搜索A2:A4中的值並顯示結果True或false / Yes或No,請執行以下操作。 1.選擇一個空白單元格以輸出結果。 在這裡,我選擇B2。 2.輸入以下公式,然後按Enter鍵。 =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A2,$D$2:$D$4,1,FALSE)), "No", "Yes") 3.選擇結果單元格,然後拖動“填充手柄”以將公式應用於其...
=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(C2,$A$2:$A$10,1,FALSE)), "No", "Yes") Copy 結果: 你會得到你需要的結果,看截圖: 注意: 在上面的公式中: C2 是您要檢查的查找值; A2:A10 是檢查是否找到查找值的範圍列表; 假 表示獲得精確匹配。3.7 VLOOKUP並對行或列中的所有匹配值求和 在處理數字數據時,您可能需要從表中...
Then, write anIF statementthat compares Vlookup's result with zero, and returns "No" if it is equal to 0, "Yes" otherwise: =IF(VLOOKUP(E1,$A$2:$B$10,2,FALSE)=0,"No","Yes") Instead ofYes/No, you can returnTRUE/FALSEorIn Stock/Sold outor any other two choices. For example: ...
For example, if you want to look for the names in column C and just return Yes or No if the name is found or not in column A as below screenshot shown. Step 1: Apply and fill the following formula Please apply the following formula into a blank cell, then, drag the fill handle ...
=VLOOKUP(What you want to look up, where you want to look for it, the column number in the range containing the value to return, return an Approximate or Exact match – indicated as 1/TRUE, or 0/FALSE). Tips: The secret to VLOOKUP is to organize your data so that the value you ...
Else, it will return No. The cell D5 contains the order date you’re comparing. Step 03: Counting the Lookup Value The following combined formula utilizes the IF and COUNTIF functions to count the lookup value if the cell fulfills criteria (matches Yes). Else, it will return 0: =IF(...
VLOOKUP、ISERROR 和 IF 函数在 Excel 中的组合应用 工作中经常遇到在两个不同的 EXCEL 表里面进行数据的匹配,如 果有相同的数据项,则输出一个“YES”,如果发现有不同的数据项则 输出“NO”。 如下表,为某班级的学生成绩,A、B 列分别为统计出来参加考试 的学生成绩,E 列为所有学生的名单,在 F 列用公式...
This will return in Yes or No based on whether the VLOOKUP was able to find a corresponding row & column when performing the action. This is an important field to use in a Value equals branch step to confirm that a value is available for use. VLOOKUP Result (datatype): There are a ...
=IF(VLOOKUP(C20,B7:C15,2,FALSE)>=C18,"Yes","No") Press Enter. The following GIF compares the sales figures of the selected products with the maximum sales value. In this example, we selected the product using the Data Validation drop-down list. Example 5 – Performing Multiple Calculation...
Looking at this image: View image: ex 4 I want to be able to in cell C2 have a function that looks at Cell B2 and if it says "Yes" look at Cell B1 and it it reads "No" return value A1. For cell C3, what should happen is that it looks at B3 sees "Yes", then looks at...