As you can see above, as soon as we selected the named range, it highlighted the referenced range with the same color as the name. Now, mention the column index number and range lookup type to get the result. So, using this named range, we need to worry about selecting the table arra...
VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup]) lookup_value:要查找的值。 table_array:要查找的数据表范围。 col_index_num:要返回的数据列的索引号。 range_lookup:可选参数,决定是精确匹配还是近似匹配。 如何使用VLOOKUP函数 (How to Use the VLOOKUP Function) 1. 准备数据 (Prepar...
EXCEL函数功能-VLookupNamedRange-函数公式 定购 组别品名编号数量GroupB产品B52273 单价金额¥14.00¥42.00 合计 ¥42.00 PurchaseOrder--usesdatavalidationtocreatedropdownlists,VLookupstoreturnvaluesfromnamedrangesondifferentsheets.
Cell reference =VLOOKUP(A2, $D$2:$G$145, 4, 0) Text or number = VLOOKUP("DI-328", A2:D6, 3, FALSE = VLOOKUP("John Smith", A2:D6, 3, FALSE =VLOOKUP(0.7,A2:C10, 3, FALSE) Range (absolute reference) =VLOOKUP(A2, D$2:$G$15, 4, 0) Named range =...
Before diving into the specifics of using Vlookup with two sheets, it’s important to have a clear understanding of how this function works in general. At its core, Vlookup is designed to search for a particular value in a given range of cells and return a corresponding value from a diffe...
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I thought I could use a named range but in my testing, I received a #value so I guess its not possible with named ranges and that is why I put 20,000 rows down for the range of array. thanks again for the excellent ideas!
In the above, columns A through G were selected, and a named range was created by hitting Insert - -- People often get errors when performing VLOOKUPs. Here's a few common errors and the reasons for them. #N/A. When you get this error, it means that the formula is not finding...
vlookup 有 4个参数;第一个:是你要匹配的 数据,任意选一个单元格,到时候直接拖就行了,例如:F2;第二个:是你要匹配数据的目标数据范围,可以是当前的sheet(表格) 也可以是其他表格,例如:A1:D10 就是说 4行10列 或者是sheet2 里面的内容,就在前面加个sheet2 就可以了;第三个:是...
to another, and that's why named range colors kept pointing to the original source, which was now in a different workbook. Then when the resulting workbook is opened by somebody else on a different computer, Excel cannot follow the path to the data for named range colors, hence the #REF...