1. 查找值未找到 (Lookup Value Not Found) 如果VLOOKUP未能找到指定的lookup_value,它将返回错误值“#N/A”,app.orangecar.net,。这通常是因为lookup_value不在table_array的第一列,或是输入的值与表格中的值不一致。 2,zhi.trainathome.net,. 返回错误的值 (Returning Incorrect Values) 有时候,VLOOKUP返回...
如果嫌这个公式难于理解,可以换一个其他函数,可用的还有3种:xlookup,index+match组合,lookup 先说xlookup函数,这个函数估计以后会大放异彩,将有可能完全取代Vlookup函数,原因有二:一是VLOOKUP有的功能它都能实现而且用法更简单,前面说的用VLOOKUP需要输入列的序号(列多的时候需要自己查数),而Xlookup不用输入序号,二...
在C2单元格输入公式:=LOOKUP(1,0/(花名册!B:B=A2),花名册!A:A) 向下填充即可完成查询 先说一下这个LOOKUP用法,其中LOOKUP(1,0/((条件1)*(条件2)*(条件3)*……),返回值区域)这种形式最为常用,江湖人称“以大查小” LOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_vector, [result_vector]) 第一个参数:要查找的值,...
在C2单元格输入公式:=LOOKUP(1,0/(花名册!B:B=A2),花名册!A:A) 向下填充即可完成查询 先说一下这个LOOKUP用法,其中LOOKUP(1,0/((条件1)*(条件2)*(条件3)*……),返回值区域)这种形式最为常用,江湖人称“以大查小” LOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_vector, [result_vector]) 第一个参数:要查找的值,...
MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type])(前两个必填,第三个可选) 第1个参数:要查找的值,相当于VLOOKUP的第一个参数 第2个参数:要查找的区域 第3个参数:匹配类型:0,1,-1 1:查找小于或等于 lookup_value 的最大值。 0:查找完全等于 lookup_value 的第一个值。这个较常用 ...
Nesting:You can also use “nested” formulas with the IF function. Limitations of VLOOKUP One major limitation of VLOOKUP is that it cannot look to the left. The values to lookup must always be on the left-most column of the range and the values to return must be on the right hand sid...
This is the lookup table. If you plan to copy your VLOOKUP formula, you may want to use absolute references to "lock" the range. Which column contains the search result? This value will appear in the cell with the VLOOKUP formula. Count over from the first column to...
Help Vlookup formula with criteriaIf I have a table, what formula would I use to return a value to a cell-based upon two lookup criteria (match country &...
The range where the lookup value is located. Remember that the lookup value should always be in the first column in the range for VLOOKUP to work correctly. For example, if your lookup value is in cell C2 then your range should start with C. ...
Check this screenshot of the first four type of errors, with the lookup value. The actual function is next to the “Vlookup Function” heading. The “Function Text” shows the exact formula in the “Vlookup Function” cell right above. Each error is explained in detail below. Scroll on. ...