Having provided some use case scenario that requires you to find max/min value using Vlookup in Google Sheets, we are sure you want to get some practical guidance on executing that. Good for you; we have put together some detailed examples, which provide a better insight on how to find ma...
We will use the following data table to explain the methods to find minimum value with VLOOKUP in Excel. Method 1 – Minimum Value with VLOOKUP Function 1.1 Find the Minimum Value Steps: Select the output Cell C12. Enter the following formula. =VLOOKUP(MIN($C$5:$C$10),$C$5:$D$10,...
The MAX function will find the maximum value from the previous result, that will return as 13 SUMPRODUCT(MAX(ROW($B$5:$B$13)*($E$7=$B$5:$B$13))-4) The SUMPRODUCT function is used to find the row number in the array. As our list starts from the 5th row onwards, 4 has bee...
自Excel 2010发布以来,已经具备删除工作表中重复行的功能,如下图1所示,即功能区“数据”选项卡“数据...
Vlookup to Return Average Return the average value from a table of data. Select All =VLOOKUP(AVERAGE(A1:A5),A1:B5,2,TRUE) Result: TheAVERAGE()function is used in the lookup_value argument in order to find the average value from the list of numbers; then, that value, which is the a...
1. You can use another sheet and INDIRECT() to aggregate the data from all tabs, then use your vlookup to find the *one* MIN, MAX and AVERAGE from this table. You will only get a single value for each. 2. If you want the MIN, MAX and AVERAGE for each tab, then ...
Hi, so in column a i have a list of multiple different items. These range from stuff like "payroll23214.."etc. to insurance23423 for example. In cell b2 its...
Is it possible to use text join along with vlookup function to get values from different columns in to one cell? If so how can this be done. If it is not possible with these two functions is there an... Rudrabhadra =TEXTJOIN(",",,VLOOKUP(C10,F5:I8,{2,3,4},FALSE)) ...
You need to organize your data so that the value you look up (C2) is to the left of the return value you want to find. In your case VLOOKUP(C2,C$1:D1,2,0), your return value should be in D column. Formula cell E2: =IF(COUNTIF(C$1:C2,C2)=1,MAX(E$...
1. Create a helper column in Column A by concatenating TextBox1 and TextBox2 column value 2. Also in your workbook give Name to any 3 cells like this "input1", input2" and "result" like highlighted in the below sheet image 3. Now in "result" cell add this formula: ...