Question): I need a formula to look up the conditional value in a specific column & find the last occurred item & then return the corresponding value.The data we will consider in this example has some names in column A, couple of them are repeated to have better understanding of this ...
To test the above formula, we can either change the conditional text or change in source data. In this way, find the quantity sale by last occurrence of the searched name. Download - Lookup function to get last matching value - xlsx ...
0 (zero) indicates that the value is not equal to "C" or "D" and 1 shows that the value is equal to "C" or "D". Step 2 - Find the position of the record The MATCH function, as it is set up in this example, returns the relative position of the first found matching value ...
Our examples above used exact search key values to locate matching data. If you don't have an exact search key value, you can also use wildcards, like a question mark or an asterisk, with VLOOKUP. For this example, we'll use the same set of data from our examples above, but if we...
col_index_num: the column number in the table_array argument from which the matching value must be returned; range_lookup: is optional operation, FALSE to find an exact match, and TRUE to find the approximate match. Now, I will take an example to explain this vlookup function to get the...
In the last step, you want to tell Excel to find you an approximate or exact value. Do this by typing “FALSE” or “TRUE.” Doing this will help you to find out if your argument is erroneous. This simply means that Excel can’t find matching data. ...
To find differences (mismatches), use the not-equal-to sign (<>) Q3. How tocompare two different tablesand pull matching data? Ans. For this, you can use the VLOOKUP function or INDEX & MATCH function. To understand this thing in a better way, we will take an example. ...
Example:To find the employee with ID 123 from a table: =VLOOKUP(123, A1: D4, 2, FALSE) How to Use VLOOKUP in Excel? You can use the VLOOKUP function in Excel to fetch data from a table using a search value from another column. The following steps give you an idea of how to use...
In Excel, the VLOOKUP function is a powerful function for most of Excel users, it allows you to look for a value in the leftmost of the data range, and return a matching value in the same row from a column you specified as following screenshot shown. The syntax of VLOOKUP function: =...
How to use VLOOKUP to find specific information within your Excel spreadsheets. Understand the key components such as lookup values, table arrays, and column index numbers. Apply VLOOKUP to real-world scenarios, such as extracting data from different tables or using the included practice file. Trou...