The below examples show how to fix a few common formulas that got broken because implicit intersection is no longer invisibly performed in Excel. If you have never heard this term before, I encourage you to carefully read the#SPILL errortutorial to understand what is happening behind the scenes...
=VLOOKUP([@[Color Number]], colors, 4,FALSE) When I changed the table to have only a single row, your original formula worked. But as soon as I added a second row to that table, both formulas returned #SPILL error value. The fix is shown above. Brad JTalc, Do I have a...
VLOOKUP(A2, $C$2:$C$9, 1, FALSE) Nest the above formula in the ISNA function to check the VLOOKUP's output for #N/A errors. In case of an error, ISNA yields TRUE, otherwise FALSE: ISNA(VLOOKUP(A2, $C$2:$C$9, 1, FALSE)) Use the ISNA VLOOKUP formula for the logical test ...
=VLOOKUP([@[Color Number]], colors, 4,FALSE) When I changed the table to have only a single row, your original formula worked. But as soon as I added a second row to that table, both formulas returned #SPILL error value. The fix is shown above. Brad JTalc, Do I have an...
=VLOOKUP([@[Color Number]], colors, 4,FALSE) When I changed the table to have only a single row, your original formula worked. But as soon as I added a second row to that table, both formulas returned #SPILL error value. The fix is shown above. ...