VBA代码:Vlookup并将多个唯一匹配的值返回到一个单元格中 FunctionMultipleLookupNoRept(LookupvalueAsString,LookupRangeAsRange,ColumnNumberAsInteger)'Updateby ExtendofficeDimxDicAsNewDictionaryDimxRowsAsLongDimxStrAsStringDimiAsLongOnErrorResumeNextxRows=LookupRange.Rows.CountFori=1ToxRowsIfLookupRange.Columns(1...
'Get the number of rows and columns in the table numRows = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A1:A" & Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row)) numCols = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A1:Z1")) - 1 'Assume the table starts in A1 and has headers in the first row '...
⭐ SMALL functions help loop through the returned row numbers one by one starting from the largest ⭐CHOOSE({1,2},ROW(Customers[Sales]),Customers[[ Name]])Since your lookup value is a row number, use CHOOSE function to return a 2 column table: Column 1 row numbers , Column 2 custom...
解决方案#1:使用公式查找并返回多个值 为了克服此限制,您可以使用以下公式的 TEXTJOIN、IF、IFERROR、MATCH 和 ROW 函数。此公式可以返回单个单元格内的多个值,并用逗号 (,) 分隔。它还会自动消除所有重复值并仅返回值的第一个实例。 句法 =TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, IF(IFERROR(MATCH(return_array, IF(lookup_v...
为了克服此限制,您可以使用以下公式的 TEXTJOIN、IF、IFERROR、MATCH 和 ROW 函数。此公式可以返回单个单元格内的多个值,并用逗号 (,) 分隔。它还会自动消除所有重复值并仅返回值的第一个实例。 句法 =TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, IF(IFERROR(MATCH(return_array, IF(lookup_value=lookup_array,return_array, ""...
为了克服此限制,您可以使用以下公式的 TEXTJOIN、IF、IFERROR、MATCH 和 ROW 函数。此公式可以返回单个单元格内的多个值,并用逗号 (,) 分隔。它还会自动消除所有重复值并仅返回值的第一个实例。 句法 =TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, IF(IFERROR(MATCH(return_array, IF(lookup_value=lookup_array,return_array, ""...
=VLOOKUP(What you want to look up, where you want to look for it, the column number in the range containing the value to return, return an Approximate or Exact match – indicated as 1/TRUE, or 0/FALSE). Tips: The secret to VLOOKUP is to organize your data so that the value you ...
=INDEX(table,row_number,column_number) INDEX is useful because it can return strings, numbers, and dates. MATCH is also a lookup/reference function in Excel that you can use in combination with other formulas or on its own. MATCH looks for the value in your specified array and returns its...
=VLOOKUP(A7, A2:B5, 2, FALSE). In its simplest form, the VLOOKUP function says: =VLOOKUP(lookup value, range containing the lookup value, the column number in the range containing the return value, optionally specify TRUE for approximate match or FALSE for an exact match)....
Select All =IFERROR(INDEX($B$1:$B$7, SMALL(IF($A$1=$A$1:$A$7, ROW($A$1:$A$7)-ROW($A$1)+1), ROW(1:1))),"") In Excel 2007 and later we can use theIFERROR functionto output a blank when there are no more results to return. This has the benefit of making it lo...