这样,一行代码就解决了问题,比Vlookup的操作简单多了。 如果你觉得FILTER已经够厉害了,那么等你见识了TOROW函数,你会发现Excel的魅力无穷无尽。TOROW函数的使用方法是这样的:=TOROWIFA:A=D2,B:B,NA,3。这个公式看起来有点复杂,但其实很好理解。IF函数会将不符合条件的数据转换成错误值。...
Sub a()Dim i%, j%For i = 1 To 100 For j = 1 To 100 If (Range("C" & j) - Range("B" & j)) * (Range("C" & j) - Range("A" & j)) > 0 Then Range("D" & i) = Range("C" & i) Exit For End If Next jNext iEnd Sub这样的数基本...
Solution: If it is not possible to restructure your data so that the lookup column is the left-most column, you can use the INDEX and MATCH functions together as an alternative to VLOOKUP. Here's a formula example:INDEX MATCH formula to look up values to left. 5. Numbers are formatted ...
I strongly believe this is the most significant limitation of the VLOOKUP function. To work correctly, you need to create a table where the first column (the first from left to right) contains the lookup value. This means that the data you want to retrieve can appear in any column to the...
Tip:Also, refer to theQuick Reference Card: VLOOKUP troubleshooting tipswhich presents the common reasons for #NA issues in a convenient PDF file. You can share the PDF with others or print for your own reference. Problem: The lookup value is not in the first ...
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B2,'Lookup table'!$A$2:$B$5, 2, FALSE), 0) Word of caution!Excel IFERROR function catches all kinds of errors, not only #N/A. Is it good or bad? All depends on your goal. If you want to mask all possible errors, IFERROR Vlookup is the way to go. But it...
Šajā tēmā ir izklāstīti visbiežāk sastopamie funkcijas VLOOKUP cēloņi kļūdainam rezultātam un sniegti ieteikumi funkcijas INDEX un MATCH lietošana. Padoms.: Skatiet arī ātrās uzziņas karti : VLOOKUP problēmu novēršanas padomi, kas bieži rada #NA ...
board:ExcelGeneral":{"__typename":"Forum","id":"board:ExcelGeneral","entityType":"FORUM","displayId":"ExcelGeneral","nodeType":"board","depth":4,"conversationStyle":"FORUM","title":"Excel","description":"Your community for how-to discussions and sharing best practices on Microsoft Excel...
But, if I use the IFERROR and VLOOKUP together, I can return“No Expense”as an output. To do so, I’ll use the given formula. =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(I2,A2:F5,3,0),"No Expense") In the IFERROR formula above, VLOOKUP(I2, A2:F5,3,0) is thevalue,and “No Expense” is thevalue...
You need Excel VLOOKUP helpto learn: how to do VLOOKUP in excel understand the syntax and each argument of Excel VLOOKUP function yourVLOOKUP is not working, giving errors and want to know how to fix errors like #NA, #VALUE or #REF then you are on the right page. ...