Please change the formula in Sheet 1 column C and C2 to: =VLOOKUP(C2,Sent1!$C$1:$E$35,3,0) The range you select should be start from the mobile column but not the Name column, because you are trying to look for the Mobile column in Sheet1. If the response is helpful, please ...
Handle errors with IFERROR:Wrap yourVLOOKUPformula withinthe IFERROR function. This allows you to specify an alternative result or an error message when no match is found. Use absolute cell references:When copying theVLOOKUPformula to other cells, ensure the cell references are absolute (e.g., ...
[range_lookup]: Do you want an approximate match for the product name (TRUE) or an exact match (FALSE) ? This example has FALSE as the fourth argument (range lookup), so the formula will return an exact match. If the product name is not found, the result will be #N/A. 4...
Issue 11: Incorrect Cell References or Typos in the Formula VLOOKUP is not working for another reason related to cell references or the formula. This common error in Excel can lead to other errors like #N/A (value not found) and #VALUE! (invalid argument), or #REF! (invalid reference)...
The other item of interest is that Excel displays the Formula result = text line when you build these functions. This is great feedback that can show if your function is on target. In our example, Excel looked up the Pcode of “A” and returned the Political Party “Democratic.” VLOOK...
VLOOKUP formula not working for all cells i have select cells from my lookup that are not being brought over as they should be. i have attached scheen shots of the issue. the blue and white page is where it pulls to and the white page is whe......
VLOOKUP is looking for info for AK_Anchorage, the results instead pull data for WI_Wood. Please note, data only pulls when using TRUE. Using FALSE gives the #N/A error That's the bad formula. VLOOKUP() needs the FALSE in 4th argument. ...
This mainly happens if you insert the formula in a Text-formatted cell. Ensure that the cell is in the General or Number format before you insert the formula. Read More: VLOOKUP Is Returning Just Formula Not Value in Excel Issue 4 – VLOOKUP Not Working Between Sheets The desired sheet nam...
2.1 Explaining formula Step 1 - Logical expression The equal sign is a logical operator, it compares value to value. It also works with value to multiple values. The result is a boolean value TRUE or FALSE. E3=B3:B10 returns {TRUE; FALSE; TRUE; ... ; FALSE}. Step 2 - Filter values...
Step 6:Now that our VLOOKUP function is complete, simply press "ENTER". Excel will perform the VLOOKUP function across two sheets in the same workbook, and we will get our result. We can then copy the formula for other cells using the "Fill Handle" to obtain the results. ...