嵌套的IF VLOOKUP Excel公式是一种在Excel中使用的复杂公式,用于根据特定条件在表格中查找并返回相应的值。它结合了IF函数和VLOOKUP函数的功能,可以根据多个条件进行逻辑判断,并在满足条件时返回相应的数值。 具体而言,嵌套的IF VLOOKUP公式由多个IF函数和一个VLOOKUP函数组成。IF函数用于进行条件判断,根据条件的结果选择...
Data format and alignment problems:VLOOKUP requires that the lookup value and the values in the table are in the same format and are aligned in the same way. If they are not, VLOOKUP will not be able to find a match. Lookup value not found in the table:If the lookup value is not fo...
Excel IF/THEN/VLOOKUP嵌套公式 Excel IF/THEN/VLOOKUP嵌套公式是一种在Excel电子表格中使用的复杂函数,用于根据条件执行特定操作或检索特定数据。 该嵌套公式由IF、THEN、VLOOKUP等函数组合而成,其中IF函数用于根据条件判断执行不同的操作,THEN函数表示IF条件为真时的操作,VLOOKUP函数用于在指定的数据区域中进行垂直查找...
CaseVLook="Not Found"ForEachxCellInTableArray.Columns(1).CellsIfxCell=FindValueThenCaseVLook=xCell.Offset(0,ColumnID-1)ExitForEndIfNextEndFunction Copy 3.保存代码,然后返回活动工作表并选择一个空白单元格,将其放入匹配数据,键入以下公式= CaseVLook(F1,A1:C7,3)进去,然后按输入获得结果的关键。 看截...
1、以excel2010版本为例,如下图,要将工作表1的语文成绩匹配到工作表2;2、首先在工作表2的C2单元格输入公式=VLOOKUP(A2,'[新建 Microsoft Excel 工作表.xlsx]Sheet1'!$A:$B,2,0),第一个参数是查找值,第二个是查找范围,第三个参数是查找列数,第四个参数是精确匹配,输完后按enter键则...
SubVlookup_Condition()DimrngAsRangeDimiAsLongWithActiveSheet.CellsSetrng = .Range("A1:A"& .Cells(.Rows.count,1).End(xlUp).row)Fori =2Torng.Rows.count'If the value is found by Lookup, then return "Old" (from 2nd column in vlookup table)'If the value is NOT found, ...
Problem: The lookup value is not in the first column in thetable_arrayargument One constraint of VLOOKUP is that it can only look for values on the left-most column in the table array. If your lookup value is not in the first column of the array, you will see the...
Problem: The lookup value is not in the first column in thetable_arrayargument One constraint of VLOOKUP is that it can only look for values on the left-most column in the table array. If your lookup value is not in the first column of the array, you will see the #...
And VLOOKUP function is used for retrieving the data information in first data to another data on the basis of common value. So when the common value not matched with the second data then formula give us #N/A error as output. we need to tackle if error occurs. ...