You can use the VLOOKUP function to find data in a lookup table, based on a specific value. If you enter a product number in an order form, you can use a VLOOKUP formula to find the matching product name or price. See how to use Excel VLOOKUP in different ranges. NOTE: The examples...
Thanks so much for the help🙂🙂 WishIWerentAN00bWhen vlookup will not find any matching value then it will return error. So, formula output will be error. Try to wrap vlookup formula by IFERROR function like =IF(IFERROR(VLOOKUP(D2,Data_Directory!...
How to Perform a VLOOKUP Across Sheets in Smartsheet Connect Data Across Your Work with VLOOKUP in Smartsheet What Is the Formula for VLOOKUP in Excel? In Excel, VLOOKUP is a lookup/reference function that helps you find an item in a table or range of cells vertically by their row. Fou...
VLOOKUP是一个查找函数,给定一个查找的目标,它就能从指定的查找区域中查找返回忆要查找到的值。它的基本的语法为: VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num , range_lookup)lookup_value:需在数据表第一列中查找的数据。可以是数值、文本字符串或引用table_array:需要在其中查找数据的数据表。第一列中的...
If VLOOKUP doesn't find an exact match, it'll return an #N/A error. This formula is like saying to Google Sheets, "Here's a value I want you to find in this specific part of the table. Once you find it, grab the information from this column. Also, the data [is/isn't] ...
This returns the results for fruit and country however in the database there are no values for months. Therefore we can't include criteria for months in the formula. Maddy1010 If you still want a VLOOKUP to work in your situation, try this in cell C9, and copy it down: ...
The above formula uses the same condition to check whether the two cells (in the same row) have matching data or not (A2=B2). But since we are using the IF function, we can ask it to return a specific text in case the condition is True or False. ...
While VLOOKUP typically returns the first matching value, sometimes you may need to retrieve multiple results. You can achieve this by utilizing an array formula like INDEX and SMALL in combination with VLOOKUP. 12. Avoiding Errors: Even with careful usage, errors can occur when using VLOOKUP. ...
Matching employee names to their salaries: Step 1: Enter the employee names in column A. Step 2: In column B, enter the following formula: =VLOOKUP(A2,B2:C21,2,FALSE) A2 is the lookup value. B2:C21 is the table range. 2 is the column index number. ...
Imagine you work in a sales department, and you have a large spreadsheet containing customer data. You want to find detailed information about a particular customer quickly. Instead of manually scrolling through the entire spreadsheet, you can use the VLOOKUP function. For instance, you can search...