=VLOOKUP($A13,$A$1:$G$8,MATCH(B$12,$A$1:$G$1,0),0) 1、因为顺序不同,所以我们就不能使用规定的数值,而是根据月份去首行查找起对应的位置,比如3月,其实就是第四列,MATCH就是干这事的!对应第一参数的内容在第二参数中第二个位置!更多细节也可以阅读MATCH函数专题:点击阅读-> 函数 | MATCH给查...
Place in FALSE to signify that we want an exact match: =VLOOKUP(G15,StockList,2,FALSE) This is how the price will now dynamically change based on your selection with Vlookup using named range: Further Learning: XLOOKUP vs VLOOKUP: Top 5 Comparison of Excel Lookup Functions ...
[range_lookup]:This entry is optional, but you can include "TRUE" for approximate matches or "FALSE" for generating an exact match. In our case, if you want an exact customer name match, you'd use "FALSE". Free DownloadWin7, 10, 11 Examples of Using VLOOKUP Function between Two Sheet...
If an exact match is not found, the error value #N/A will be returned. Function Notes: The Vlookup function only looks for a value from left to right. The Vlookup function performs a case-insensitive lookup. If there are multiple matching values based on the look up value, only the ...
VLOOKUP主要用于单条件查找。对于多条件查找,通常需要使用其他方法,如INDEX和MATCH函数组合。 应用场景 员工信息查询:在一个包含所有员工信息的表格中,根据员工编号快速查找其姓名、职位等信息。 库存管理:在库存表中查找特定产品的数量或价格。 财务报表:在财务数据中查找特定日期的收支情况。
=VLOOKUP(What you want to look up, where you want to look for it, the column number in the range containing the value to return, return an Approximate or Exact match – indicated as 1/TRUE, or 0/FALSE). This is a modal window. ...
In this example, "A2" is the cell containing the value you want to search for ("Chicken"). "Sheet1!A2:C11" is the range that includes the table on "Sheet1." The number 2 represents the index of the column that contains the prices (column B), and FALSE indicates an exact match. ...
2 On the Pages worksheet, VLOOKUP looks in the leftmost column of cells A2 through B39 for a match to the value in cell A2 on the Page Views tab… ...if a match exists, the formula moves to column 2 (Page Name) to retrieve the corresponding page name. Microsoft...
Vlookup是一种在Google Sheet中用于查找和提取数据的函数。它可以根据指定的条件在一个数据范围内进行搜索,并返回符合条件的数据。 Vlookup的主要参数包括: 1. 搜索键值:用于在...
VLOOKUP cannot distinguish between different cases and treats bothuppercase and lower casein the same way. For example, “GOLD” and “gold” are considered the same. VLOOKUP supports approximate and exact match When using VLOOKUP, the exact match is most likely your best approach. Take our empl...