Method 2 – Using the VLOOKUP Function for Multiple Columns from Different Workbooks Unlike in the previous method, the two tables will be located in different workbooks (files) in the same folder. Steps: Select the cell where you want the product Name (C6 in the example). Copy the followin...
Example 2: Using VLOOKUP Across Two Sheets in Different Workbooks Imagine you have data in two different workbooks, and you need to extract information from one workbook into another. You can effortlessly achieve this using the VLOOKUP function. Let's dive into a practical example: Workbook 1 co...
Tip You can also do lookups in other Excel workbooks by adding the workbook folder and file name in square brackets before to the sheet name. Advertisement Article continues below this ad References Microsoft Office Support: VLookup Function Ablebits: Excel VLOOKUP tutorial for beginners with formula...
Set work_book = Workbooks(Filename1)
Q2: Can you use VLOOKUP between two workbooks? Yes, you can use VLOOKUP between two workbooks by importing the data from one workbook to another using the IMPORTRANGE function. Once the data is imported, you can apply the VLOOKUP function as usual. ...
Yes, you can do this. Folks normally accomplish this task for the purpose of keeping things organized in separate workbooks. This is made easy due to VLOOKUP and what it is capable of doing. Why is VLOOKUP not working in two different workbooks?
How to do VLOOKUP in Excel with two workbooks To use VLOOKUP to retrieve data from another workbook, all you have to do is include the file name of the other workbook within square brackets immediately followed by the sheet name and table array. Here's the formula template: =VLOOKUP(looku...
In case you use a VLOOKUP formula for multiple cells, remember tolock table_arraywith the $ sign, like $A$2:$C$9. How to Vlookup from another workbook in Excel To Vlookup from a different Excel workbook, put the workbook's name enclosed in square brackets before the worksheet's name....
Vlookup between two workbooks / Vlookup between multiple worksheets Below is an example of a vlookup between two different workbooks, which a lot of you have been asking about. To make it as easy as possible for you to understand the steps, we’ve included the two files we use for this ...
Can I use VLOOKUP between sheets in different Excel workbooks? Yes, you can use VLOOKUP between workbooks. Reference the external workbook in your formula using its file name, like this: =VLOOKUP(A2, '[Workbook2.xlsx]Sheet1'!A1:C10, 2, FALSE) ...