To reference a range from a different sheet, click the tab name at the bottom of Excel and select your range. Excel will automatically add the appropriate cell reference: =VLOOKUP(B3,Data!$B$3:$C$7,2,FALSE) If you’d like, you can manually type the cell reference. Notice how it’s...
Follow thestep-by-step tutorialon how to VLOOKUP for multiple sheets with example anddownload this Excel workbookto practice along: Download workbookVlookup_Different-Sheetv2s.xlsx STEP 1:We enter the VLOOKUP function in the blank cell where we need to extract the data =VLOOKUP( STEP 2:Enter t...
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download excel workbookVlookup_Multiple-Columns.xlsx STEP 1: Select the cells (H8 and I8) where you want to insert the values from multiple columns. STEP 2: We need to enter the VLOOKUP function in the selected cell: =VLOOKUP( STEP 3: We need to enter the first argument – Lookup_value...
Downloadthe example workbook This tutorial will demonstrate how to use the INDIRECT Function to define the lookup range in Excel and Google Sheets. INDIRECT & VLOOKUP You may need to perform aVLOOKUPon multiple ranges at once, dependent on certain cell values. If so, one option is theINDIRECT...
Before using the IMPORTRANGE function, make sure to change the privacy of the sheet from Restricted to Anyone with the link. Otherwise, it will return the #REF error. Download the Practice Workbook Vlookup from Excel to Google Sheet.xlsx Related Articles How to Open Password Protected Excel Fi...
If you are using an older version of Microsoft Excel than Excel 2019, you will have to pressCtrl+Shift+Enterforarray formulas. Download Practice Workbook You can download the practice workbook from here. Using VLOOKUP for Multiple Columns.xlsx ...
In this section, we will discuss how to retrieve matching values while preserving source formatting in Excel. Please do with the following steps to lookup and return its corresponding value along with cell formatting: Step 1: Copy the code 1 into the Sheet Code Module In the worksheet contains...
For more information, please seeHow to Vlookup from another sheet in Excel. Note.For the formula to work correctly, the values in the helper column should be concatenated exactly the same way as in thelookup_valueargument. For example, we used a space character to separate the criteria in ...
Here, I have two tables in an Excel sheet, one is the table about the rule between profit rate and sales of each product, the other contains the real sales of products. In the rule table, the more sales are, the much higher the profit rate you will get. Now I want to calculate th...