1.在单元格D1中,输入要查看的条件,在这里我输入“香蕉”。 2.在这里,我们将找到香蕉的第一个匹配值。 选择一个空白单元格,例如E2,复制并粘贴公式 =INDEX($B$2:$B$6,MATCH(TRUE,EXACT($D$1,$A$2:$A$6),0)) 进入编辑栏,然后按 按Ctrl + 转移 + 输入 键同时。备注:在此公式中,$ B $ 2:$...
假设表格如下: A B C D 1 0 A lorem 1 2 20 E ipsum 2 3 40 I dolor 3 4 60 O sit 4 5 80 U amet 5 另请参阅HLOOKUPLOOKUPMATCH 有帮助? 是否 字符限制:250 请不要在评论中包含任何个人信息。 最多250 个字符。 提交 感谢您的反馈。
range_lookup This is a Boolean value: TRUE or FALSE. FALSE (or 0) means exact match and TRUE (or 1) means approximate match. Method 1 – Calculating Matching Values in Columns Using VLOOKUP with the SUM Function in Excel Consider the following dataset which consists of students’ names and...
=VLOOKUP(What you want to look up, where you want to look for it, the column number in the range containing the value to return, return an Approximate or Exact match – indicated as 1/TRUE, or 0/FALSE). Tips: The secret to VLOOKUP is to organize your data so that the value you l...
1.在上式中:D2是您要返回其相對信息的值,A2:B10是您使用的數據范圍,數字2指示您返回匹配值的列號,並且TRUE指近似匹配。 2.近似匹配返回的下一個最大值小於您的特定查找值。 3.要使用vlookup函數獲取近似匹配值,表中的第一列必須以升序排序,否則將返回錯誤的結果。
Count over from the first column to figure out what this number should be, starting with 1. Should the lookup value be an exact match (FALSE or 0) or is an approximate match (TRUE or 1) okay if an exact match doesn't exist? For TRUE, sort the leftmost column ...
The choices for Match_Mode are: 0 Exact Match (default) -1 Exact Match or Next Smaller 1 Exact Match or Next Larger 2 Wildcard Match The choices for Search_Mode are 1 first to last (default) -1 last to first 2 binary search, first to last (requires lookup_array to be sorted) ...
第1 步:应用任何一个公式并将其填充到其他单元格 请将以下任一公式复制并粘贴到您想要获得结果的空白单元格中。 然后,选择公式单元格,将填充柄向下拖动到要填充此公式的单元格。 配方1: 粘贴公式后,请按 Ctrl + Shift + Enter 键。 =INDEX($C$2:$C$10,MATCH(TRUE,EXACT(F2,$A$2:$A$10),0)) Copy...
if_not_found[optional] - the value to return if no match is found. match_mode[optional] - controls the type of match such as exact (0 - default), exact match or next smaller (-1), exact match or next larger (1), wildcard (2). ...
[range_lookup] Optional Tells whether an exact or partial match of the lookup_value is required. 0 for an exact match, 1 for a partial match. The default is 1 (partial match). Return Parameter: Returns the value of the same row from the specified column of the given table, where the...