col_index_num:column index number 是指返回查找区域中第几列的数据11代表第11列的数据。具体使用办法如下:1、首先,打开需要查找的数据表,如图。我们需要将表1中的工号、业绩、薪酬匹配到表2中。2、鼠标点击选中G2单元格。3、输入VLOOKUP函数【=VLOOKUP($F2,$A$2:$D$7,COLUMN(B1),0)】。...
VLOOKUP函数语法结构: VLOOKUP(Lookup_value,Table_array,Col_index_number,Range_lookup),即VLOOKUP(查找值,查找范围,返回的数值所在的列数,精确匹配还是模糊匹配)。 扫码回复【excel】 即可免费领取 一、VLOOKUP函数精确匹配,返回你需要的唯一数据 比如根据姓名匹...
vlookup column index number when I use vlookup , and I want to fill in the column index, I no longer see numbers in the columns when I select the table array. It is difficult for me to count them, because sometimes it is column 58. Do you know a solution here? Labels: Excel Form...
when I use vlookup , and I want to fill in the column index, I no longer see numbers in the columns when I select the table array. It is difficult for me to...
用法:= index(array, row_num, [column_num])参数说明:第1个参数:array,表示要查找的区域,即目标区域。第2个参数:row_num,通过该参数指定要查找的值位于目标区域的第几行。第3个参数:[column_num],通过该参数指定要查找的值位于目标区域的第几列,可缺省。例如,在以下数据区域中,查找满足要求的数据...
Function LookupMultipleValues(gTarget As String, gSearchRange As Range, gColumnNumber As Integer) Dim g As Long Dim k As String For g = 1 To gSearchRange.Columns(1).Cells.Count If gSearchRange.Cells(g, 1) = gTarget Then For J = 1 To g - 1 If gSearchRange.Cells(J, 1) = g...
Enter =VLOOKUP(lookup value,table array,column index number,range lookup). Press Enter or Return. Now let's dive into a detailed breakdown of how to use VLOOKUP (or vertical lookup). To keep this tutorial simple, I'll show you how to use the VLOOKUP function in Excel to identify an...
The column index number is a crucial parameter within the VLOOKUP function. It tells the function which column it should retrieve data from. For example, if we have a table with five columns and we want to retrieve information from the third column, the column index number would be 3. It...
(合并查询) 函数应用案例:如何快速找出包含英文关键词的数据?...(Table.AddIndexColumn,Number.Mod,Table.Group,Table.ToRows) 实用工具:如何通过国家简写直接查询并输入全称?如何自制便捷的文件管理器? 8K20 PowerBI建模表与表关系 在查询编辑器中获取数据并整理好后,选择关闭并应用,数据就会被自动加载到数据模型...
=INDEX(array, MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type]), [column_num]) 公式 =INDEX(A5:D12,MATCH(A2,B5:B12,0),1) 配方分解 MATCH(A2,B5:B12,0):此处,MATCH 函数在 B5:B12 范围内查找 James Kim (A2) 的精确匹配项(用 0 表示)。然后,它返回匹配的行号,即 4。