VLOOKUP IF Formula Explained The VLOOKUP IF formula is a powerful tool in Microsoft Excel that combines two commonly used functions, VLOOKUP and IF. This formula allows users to search for a specific value in a dataset and return a result based on specified conditions. The VLOOKUP function is ...
VLOOKUP和IF公式都是电子表格软件中常用的函数,用于处理数据和进行逻辑判断。下面将就VLOOKUP和IF公式在多个工作表和时间段中的应用进行详细解释。 1. VLOOKUP函数: - 概念:V...
Look up data in a table and return a different value if the value is not found. Look up data in a table and return a different value based on thevalue of another cell. Perform a logical test on the value returned by a VLOOKUP formula and return a different value based on the result...
使用=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP formula)函数是Excel中的一个逻辑函数,用于在指定的数据范围中查找某个值,并返回与该值相关联的另一个值。该函数的语法如下: =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup])), value_if_error, value_if_not_error) ...
2. 打开Formula栏,输入“=if(”,并输入一条条件语句,在每个条件语句中使用VLOOKUP函数来查找数据。 3. 通过添加条件语句来实现查找,最后输入结束的括号“)”。 4. 查看数据是否满足条件,如果满足,则显示VLOOKUP函数所查找的数据;如果不满足,则显示空值。 使用if嵌套VLOOKUP函数可以实现更加复杂、丰富的数据查找,灵活...
Help with VLOOKUPIF formula Hi - I need to produce a table like the first image using the data from the second but I am gettting confused as to what exact formula to use for this to work. I definitely need to use the IF feature and I am thinking in conjuction with VLOOKUP but lookin...
Excel formula with if and vlookup ? First of hello Community! I am using : Microsoft® Excel® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2202 Build 16.0.14931.20272) 64-bit I need VLOOKUP and IF formula with more conditions, maybe even some other formula: ...
vlookup函数还可以与数组公式(array formula)结合使用,实现更加复杂的数据查找和报表制作。例如,在进销存管理中,可以使用数组公式实现以下功能: 1、根据多个条件(如商品代码、销售日期和销售数量)查找销售明细; 2、根据不同的统计条件(如日期、商品类别和地区)生成交叉表汇总数据。
If you choose to enter this argument, type TRUE or 1. 7. Type the close parenthesis ) and click Enter on the keyboard. The complete formula is =VLOOKUP(B2,F4:G10,2,1). As you can see, Mike Hayes earned a 6 percent commission this quarter because he is over the threshold of $150...
A guide to SUMIF with VLOOKUP. Here we learn to use them together in same & different worksheet, with examples & downloadable excel template.