Do not generate symbols debugging database -noincr Disable incremental compile previously turned on with -incr +nolibcell Do not automatically define library modules as cells(default) +libcell Define library modules (found with -v|-y search) as cells -nologo Disable startup banner -nopsl Disab...
I don't have -novopt in my vlog commands, only -incr. It still complains with an error supposed "suppressible" vlog-12110. I added `-suppress 12110` but it doesn't remove it. # [EXEC] com # Questa Intel Starter FPGA Edition-64 vlog 2021.2 Compiler 2021.04 Apr...
+---+ +# +# NOTE: The above table was obtained by running the following commands: +# +# redis-benchmark -n 1000000 incr foo +# redis-cli object freq foo +# +# NOTE 2: The counter initial value is 5 in order to give new objects a chance +# to accumulate hits. +# +# The ...