VLC Media Player Windows 7 (32/64 bit) VLC Media Player Windows 7 - 跨平台多媒體播放器,支持大量各種音頻和視頻格式。該計劃的一個顯著特點是支持網絡廣播視頻。 簡約的設計,大量的嵌入式編解碼器和直觀的應用程序界面讓您在首次發布後無需任何額外設置即可享受您喜愛的內容。您可以免費下載 VLC Media ...
1、win7+vmware15+Ubuntu 18 64bit虚拟系统(16也可以) 2、gcc 7.4 (大于6即可) 3、mingw-w64 5.3.0,及其相关联的x86-64的tool,也应该是同类的版本【最关键-切记】 4、jdk1.8 231 5、vlc (github选择这个tag进行下载)——其他版本本人编译用同样的环境试过,均编译失败 6、git最新版 7、其他完...
VLC Media Player 3.0.1 (32-Bit): Product’s Review: TechnicalDetails . Nomenclature:VLC Media Player. . Genre:Audio-Tools. . Updated On:19th Of March, 2018. . Official:VideoLan.Com. . Version:3.0.1. . Compatibility:32 Bit. . Operating System:Windows 10/8/7. ...
VLC Media Player version.2.2.8 for Windows PC (32-Bit) steers a featured-packed cross-platform program for playing multimedia in various formats i-e MP3, MP4, MPEG-I, MPEG-3, MPEG-4, DVD, VCD and supports Windows 10, 8, 8.1 and Windows 7. ...
Windows Multimedia VLC Media Player 64-bit Windows 版} VLC Media Player 64-bit Windows 版 由VideoLAN.org 免费 3.0.12 下载最新版本的 Windows VLC媒体播放器是最流行,最强大的多格式免费媒体播放器。 VLC媒体播放器由非营利组织VideoLAN Project于2001年公开发行。 VLC Media Player凭借其多功能的多格式播...
VLC Media Player 2.0.4 (32-bit)Change Log # Audio Output: * Improve playback synchronization with PulseAudio. * Fix ALSA digital pass-through ("S/PDIF"). * Fix live audio device selection on Mac OS X * Fix detection of some 5.1 and 7.1 kits on Windows. ...
vlc3.0.4 32 位 lib库文件 vlc 3.0.4 版本的lib文件以及头文件,dll文件可以下载该版本的安装文件,提取安装目录下面的libvlc.dll ;libvlccore.dll;以及plugings目标。 上传者:wuxianxiaxiang时间:2019-01-03 vlc源码windows版 part2 vs2010编译通过 part2 ...
VideoLAN VLC 32-bit free download. VideoLAN VLC x86, free video player for Windows 32-bit and open source, plays DVD, Video CD, Audio CD, and other video streaming protocols.
2. Change Safari to 32-bit mode by modifying its Settings. 3. Open Downloads folder and double click on the vlc-plugin-xxxx.dmg setup file, this should reveal a package installer, double clock on it too. 4. Once the package is installed, restart your browser. ...
FileName vlc 2.0.2 win32.exe File Size 21.6 MB Requirements Windows XP Server 2003 Vista Server 2008 Win 7 Languages English ... License Freeware Date Add 06 29 2012 Homepage www.videolan.org vlc DOWNLOAD 32 bit 64 bit VLC Main Features Plays most codecs with no codec packs needed MPEG...