此外,VLC的安裝磁盤映像包含一個AppleScript,您可以使用該腳本自動進行卸載。如果保留安裝磁盤映像,請打開它並運行AppleScript,使其自動從Mac卸載VLC Media Player。按照這些步驟操作,無論使用Windows還是MacOS,您都應該能夠從系統中完全卸載VLC Media Player。
Se você estiver desinstalando o VLC Media Player de um PC com Windows 10, faça o seguinte: Se você estiver desinstalando o VLC Media Player de um computador MacOS, faça o seguinte: Navegue até a pasta Aplicativos, usando o atalho do dock ou o Finder. ...
如果出于某种原因想要卸载VLC Media Player,或者是因为找到了要用作主要媒体的新的Go-to媒体播放器,还是出于其他原因,本文将为您提供简要的指南以及简短的步骤您可以按照以下步骤从Windows和MacOS系统上卸载VLC。如果要从Windows 10 PC卸载VLC Media Player,请执行以下操作:...
If you are uninstalling VLC Media Player from a Windows 10 PC, do the following: Open your start menu and click the gear-shaped Settings icon. In the settings window, find and click on Apps. In the list of installed applications that comes up, find and click on VLC Media Player's entr...