LibVLC:VLC库的主类,用于初始化播放。 MediaPlayer:实现视频播放的类。 toggleFullScreen:在全屏和窗口模式之间切换的方法。 setRequestedOrientation:设置屏幕方向。 setSystemUiVisibility:设置全屏显示的UI元素。 步骤5: 测试和调试 确保您已经配置好视频地址,运行应用程序并进行测试。点击“全屏”按钮,验证是否成功切换...
void CVlcPlayerCsdnDlg::OnDblclkPlay() { if (!bFullScreen) { //播放列表在全屏时出错处理 if (m_listPlay.IsWindowVisible()) isshowlist = TRUE; else isshowlist = FALSE; bFullScreen = true; //获取系统屏幕宽高 int g_iCurScreenWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); int g_iCurScreenHei...
首先官网下载vlc media player并安装, 全部python代码 视频播放(多窗口) importtkinterastkimportvlcimportctypesfromtkinterimportfiledialogimportosfromfilectrlimportFileCtrlimporttimeclassVLCPlayer:def__init__(self,master,width,height,position=(0,0)):self.master=masterself.w...
setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Fullscreen")) def Load_Video(self): """Open a media file in a MediaPlayer """ dialog_txt = "Choose Media File" filename = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, dialog_txt, os.path.expanduser('~')) if not filename: return # getOpenFileName ...
-f, --fullscreen, --no-fullscreen 全屏幕视频输出 (默认关闭) --overlay, --no-overlay 覆盖视频输出 (默认开启) --video-on-top, --no-video-on-top 总在最前 (默认关闭) --video-wallpaper, --no-video-wallpaper 开启壁纸模式 (默认关闭) --video-title-show, --no-video-title-show 在视...
vlc播放器安卓版是专为安卓手机用户打造的一款多媒体播放器,英文名称也叫做VLC media player,由VideoLAN非盈利组织开发,软件功能非常强大,可以播放任何视频和音频文件、网络流和DVD ISO。
VLC Media Player is undoubtedly the most popular video player for the greater part of the decade, due to its set of features and cross-platform abilities. Plus, it is an open-source program. Media players are software or hardware pieces designed to play a wide range of multimedia formats, ...
}publicvoidSetFullScreen(boolistrue) { LibVlcAPI.libvlc_set_fullscreen(libvlc_media_player_, istrue?1:0); }publicdoubleDuration() {returnduration_; }publicstringVersion() {returnLibVlcAPI.libvlc_get_version(); } }internalstaticclassLibVlcAPI ...
VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player. It can play all your movies, shows and music in most formats directly without conversion. It all…
VLC media player is not just for simple video and audio playback, however. More ambitious users will want to take advantage of the host ofadvanced features the player offers. The player can be used torecord a user’s desktop orwebcamvia its built-in screen recorder. Users can select the...