VLC播放器Mac版是一款免费开源的多媒体播放器。VLC播放器Mac版可以支持众多音频与视频解码器及档案格式,可以播放器DVD、VCD及各种串流协议,用户可以使用它一边下载一边进行媒体文件的观看,让你提前享受影片的精彩内容。VLC Media Player for Mac最大的优点就是播放“残缺”视频,只要视频的格式是播放器所支持的,就可以...
When a user modifies and saves VLC's configuration, this results in a new config file being created in the relevant user directory. The exact location of this file depends on the user's operating system, as Windows, Mac OS and Linux/Unix versions store the file in different places. Is it...
Step 1 Download the VLC skin file from the VLC’s skin library; you also have a lot of VLC skins here to explore.Step 2 Next, copy the downloaded file toC:Program FilesVideoLANVLCskins folder(Windows) ~/.local/share/vlc/skins2 folder(Linux) Skins do not work on Mac OS X!
VLC+ is not the VLC video program that you can get for free, it is a MAC applet for which a developer has decided to charge a fee. The developer has taken the free software and turned it into an applet. The developer who created VLC+ is not the same developer from VideoLAN organizati...
Command Line 7: Run VLC from the Command Line on Mac OS X and Stream Internet Radio (Such as Radio Paradise) #!/usr/bin/env bash /Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/VLC -I rc "$@" You may also make this executable after having saved it to /usEr/local/bin-chmod +x /usr/local/...
VLC media player for Mac VLC media player for iPhone Program available in other languages Скачать VLC media player[RU] VLC media player 다운로드[KO] تنزيل VLC media player[AR] Ladda ner VLC media player[SV] ...
Mac 需要macOS 11.0 或更高版本以及装有 Apple M1 或更高版本芯片的 Mac。 Apple Vision 设备需装有 visionOS 1.0 或更高版本。 语言 英语 年龄分级 4+ Copyright © Village Lighting Company. All Rights Reserved. 价格 免费 开发人员网站 App 支持 隐私政策 更多...
VLC media player nightly for Mac, free and safe download. VLC media player nightly latest version: VLC Player for Blu-ray discs.
VLC播放器 for Mac OS X VLC 是一款自由、开源的跨平台多媒体播放器及框架,可播放大多数多媒体文件,以及 DVD、音频 CD、VCD 及各类流媒体协议。 https://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-macosx.html 编辑
VLC media player download VLC media player herunterladen Télécharger VLC media player Scaricare VLC media player Pobierz VLC media player Descargar VLC media player VLC media player をダウンロードする 更改日志 目前VLC media player 的 3.0.21 版尚无任何更新日志信息。有时候,发布者需要一些时间才能...