Windows Multimedia VLC Media Player 64-bit Windows 版} VLC Media Player 64-bit Windows 版 由 免费 3.0.12 下载最新版本的 Windows VLC媒体播放器是最流行,最强大的多格式免费媒体播放器。 VLC媒体播放器由非营利组织VideoLAN Project于2001年公开发行。 VLC Media Player凭借其多功能的多格式播...
VLC Media Player Windows 7 (32/64 bit) VLC Media Player Windows 7 - 跨平台多媒體播放器,支持大量各種音頻和視頻格式。該計劃的一個顯著特點是支持網絡廣播視頻。 簡約的設計,大量的嵌入式編解碼器和直觀的應用程序界面讓您在首次發布後無需任何額外設置即可享受您喜愛的內容。您可以免費下載 VLC Media ...
VLC Media Player Most Setup Variants: online, offline, portable, 64 bit and 32 bit setups (whenever available*). Uninstall Guide How to uninstall (remove) VLC Media Player from Windows 11? Follow these instructions for a proper removal: ...
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/7.3-win32/libstdc++.a(cow-stdexcept.o):(.text$_Z35_txnal_cow_string_C1_for_exceptionsPvPKcS_+0x2c): relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_PC32 against undefined symbol `_ITM_RU1' /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/7.3-win32/libstdc++.a(cow-s...
vlc-3.0.21-win64.exe Description:Download VLC media player (Windows 64-bit version) Version:3.0.21 (added Jun 14, 2024 -view changelog) Size:42.86 MB vlc-3.0.21-intel64.dmg Description:Download VLC Media Player for Mac OS X (32/64 bit Intel Mac - for other Mac OS X systems, ple...
此安装包为VLC安装包,版本为VLC-4.0.0-dev,解压即可用,可用于rtsp/rtmp/hls/http/m3u8等的播放 上传者:liwangcuihua时间:2020-11-06 vlc-pause-click-plugin-windows-64bit VLC media player 播放视频点击屏幕播放/暂停插件。适用于VLC media player 3.0 版本。 上传者:zhuifeng2014时间:2023-04-09...
我用的是适用于Windows 64bit的版本,其他版本也可以在上面链接的页面找到。 2、按照 中的步骤一步一步来就能够很快搭建好一个流媒体服务器。 需要注意的一点是: 这里的地址填写的是目标IP地址,也就是客户端的IP地址。
“Windows” as your operating system from the list. Clicking on the Download button will show you various versions for the VLC media player. To be sure you’re getting the 64-bit version look for options with “64 bit” or “x64.” Click the download button for the 64 bit version. ...
32-bit versions work much slower than 64-bit ones when processing heavy media content. In November, only 0.35% of Windows users were using 32-bit versions of this OS. You link to article "64-bit Software: Where It Fits Into Portable Apps". It was written in 2010! You would also ...
今天,我们就来简单的测试一下在 VLC Player 上使用 GPU 硬件解码高清视频的效果,由于笔者手里没有 MPEG-2 格式的高清视频,所以在这里只测试 H.264 和 VC-1 两种格式,操作系统采用 Windows 7 64Bit。 由于对高清硬件解码感兴趣的朋友大多是电脑配置不高的用户,所以我们本次测试的硬件平台非常亲民,采用的是 AMD...