as VLAN database modeisbeing deprecated. Please consult user documentationforconfiguring VTP/VLANinconfig mode. Switch(vlan)#vlan 10 VLAN10added: Name: VLAN0010 Switch(vlan)#exit APPLYcompleted. Exiting... 进入vlan,绑定网关,加入接口,这里我们先暂时只加入F0/1接口 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11...
as VLAN database modeisbeing deprecated. Please consult user documentationforconfiguring VTP/VLANinconfig mode. Switch(vlan)#vlan 10 VLAN10added: Name: VLAN0010 Switch(vlan)#exit APPLYcompleted. Exiting... 进入vlan,绑定网关,加入接口,这里我们先暂时只加入F0/1接口 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11...
首先打开cisco packet tracer ,购买两台交换机A B,并为其各配4台主机。组成以下环境 接着在交换机下为各自主机分配vlan。 Switch#vlan database % Warning: It is recommended to configure VLAN from config mode, as VLAN database mode is being deprecated. Please consult user documentation for configuring ...
一、配置要求如下: 本次测试使用cisco Packet Tracer7.0模拟器进行,请按照实验操作文件(pka)的要求完成配置任务。pka文件中的拓扑和设备命名均不许修改,终端和网络设备接口的IP地址按要求进行分配。本次测试的时长为80分钟,系统将自动对各个配置点和连通情况进行测评。 二、设备命名和IP地址分配 请严格按下表分配IP...
INTERVLAN Routing and Various Configurations on VLAN in a Network using CISCO Packet Tracer 6.2 实践环节是计算机网络教学的重要过程,网络工程模拟器可用于构建虚拟实验环境,提高学生实践能力.本文基于VTP中继协议,在Packet Tracer环境下利用交换机建立了虚拟VLAN... NH Prasad,BK Reddy,B Amarnath,... 被引量:...
当您将设备连接 Cisco Catalyst 交换机时,设备连接的端口是 VLAN 1 的成员。该设备的 MAC 地址是 VLAN 1 的一部分。您可以在单个交换机上定义多个 VLAN,并且您可以在大多数 Catalyst 型号上配置交换端口,作为多个 VLAN 的成员。 当网络中的端口数量超出交换机的端口容量时,必须交叉连接多个交换机机箱,定义一个中...
Commands under the interface VLAN range context are executed independently on each VLAN in the range. If the command returns an error on one of the VLANs, an error message is displayed, and the system attempts to configure the remaining VLANs. ...
Cisco-CCNA-vlan-5 "Cisco Packet Tracer 6.2"已经被我上传到云盘,有需要的可以[点击这里去下载],安装后将其中的"Chinese.ptl"复制到安装目录language目录下,启动软件后在菜单的"Options"->"Preferences"中选择这个汉化包,可以将软件部分界面更改为中文,汉化并不完整,不过够用了。
But anyway, The only reason I decided that was the issues was because I put a laptop on port 4 which was also in the VLAN20 and it never had packet loss, but the AP and devices behind it did. Even though sometimes the AP wouldn't respond, but I could still get to devices behind...
them to connected IP phones. However, IP phones of some vendors send Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) packets. You can run thevoice-vlan legacy enablecommand to enable CDP-compatible function so that the switch encapsulates voice VLAN information in CDP packets and sends them to connected IP ...