“He’s overprepared!” Biden’s wife, first lady Jill Biden, exclaimed last week when asked whether her husband was primed for his meeting with Putin. Along with Merkel, Biden has opened the door for input to other key allies in bilateral meetings and conversations on the margins over the...
Vladimir Putin served as president of Russia from 2000 to 2008 and was re-elected to the presidency in 2012. Learn about his ex-wife and political career.
15 miles up the coast from the Spanish border. This seaside resort town holds a special place in the hearts of the Putin family. In the summer of 1999, Putin was vacationing in Biarritz with his wife and daughters when he learned that President Yeltsin had anointed him as his ...
Your Excellency, President Vladimir Putin. Your Excellency, President Xi Xiping. We know it is not common for you to get communication form average Malawians. We, however, urge you to read on. We are members of the most successful African exploratory expedition in modern times, led by our in...
Vladimir Putin declares war on the Straussians THIERRY MEYSSAN Russia is not waging war on the Ukrainian people, but on a small group of people within US power who have transformed Ukraine without knowing it, the Straussians. It was formed half a century ago and has already committed an in...
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, has also called the allegations of Russian involvement in the Berlin killing “absolutely groundless.” After Merkel confronted Putin about the killing at a meeting in Paris in December, the Russian leader called the victim, Zelimkhan “...
July 1, 2021 - 俄总统 Vladimir Putin 出席年度直播电视问答节目,莫斯科。6月30日,Putin 第18次参加总统直播连线节目,耗时3小时42分钟回答总计68个问题。他抨击美国试图通过军事挑衅、经济制裁等行为维持霸权地位,断言称英国即便被击沉军舰也不敢对 @iDaily每日视野 ...
This article aims to identify in Vladimir Putin's speech to the Federal Assembly in 2021 the positive and negative foreign policy issues discussed by him. In addition, a conjuncture analysis of Russian performance in the international arena is made in face of ...
This Article seeks to examine the Russia's recent interest in uplifting the status of Orthodox church as a pivotal factor in the state and beyond that. Most importantly the position of the Orthodox church has grown rapidly during Putin's administration as a solacing factor to fill the gap ...
May 26, 2021 - 俄罗斯总统 Vladimir Putin 与国防部及军工企业高层举行会议,索契。5月25日,克里姆林宫宣布 Putin 与美国总统 Joe Biden 将于6月16日在日内瓦举行首次面对面会谈,双方将就俄美关系进一步发展的...