Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was born on October 7, 1952, in Leningrad, Soviet Union (now Saint Petersburg, Russia). His mother, Maria Ivanovna Shelomova was a factory worker and his father, Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin, had served in the Soviet Navy submarine fleet during World War II and...
Putin was re-elected to the presidency in March 2012 and later won a fourth term. In 2014, he was reportedly nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. More From Biography Quick Facts FULL NAME: Vladimir Vladimirovich PutinBORN: October 7, 1952BIRTHPLACE: Leningrad (St. Petersburg), RussiaSPOUSE:...
(Biography)Saint,calledthe Great.?956–1015, grand prince of Kiev (980–1015); first Christian ruler of Russia. Feast day: July 15 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, ...
Although Putin has been, in the main, popular with the Russian public, his reputation suffered when he was perceived to have acted belatedly after the Russian submarineKursksank in Aug., 2000. By the end of his second year in office, however, the Russian president's position had visibly str...
Lieven, Anatol
it would almost be worth the time it would take to seriously fisk Hanson’s argument here. As it stands, it’s quite obvious that Hanson is among those on the right who views Putin positively because he helps to confirm their absurd alternative biography, if not outright insult...
The path towards a free society has not been simple. There are tragic and glorious pages in our history. Fact Check: We strive for accuracy and fairness. If you see something that doesn't look right,contact us! Biography.com Editors ...
A Tsar Is Born a New Biography Explains How Vladimir Putin Does Things His Way"THE NEW TSAR: THE RISE AND REIGN OF VLADIMIR PUTIN"BY STEVEN LEE MYERS KNOPF, $32.50What could...Simpson, Dan
Vladimir Putin is a Russian leader and former KGB officer who has shaped his nation’s political landscape for decades with a mix of strategic maneuvers, military aggression against Russia’s neighbors, and controversial policies.
Vladimir Putin - Russian Politics, Diplomacy, Economy: Putin’s first year back in office as president was characterized by a largely successful effort to stifle the protest movement. Opposition leaders were jailed, and nongovernmental organizations that