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(TV Movie) - Dott. Schuiedlausky Sweeney Todd (2006) (TV Movie) - Sailor Numai iubirea (2004–2005) (TV Series) - Tudor Lupescu (2004) The First Gypsy in Space (2002) (TV Mini-series) - Robert (1 episode, 2002) Del 4 (四月 22, 2002) Season 1, Episode 4 - Rober...
Dracula the Impaler2002演员 紧急突击队1999演员 Une mère comme on n'en fait plus1997演员 The Man of the Day1997演员 Ábel a rengetegben1994演员 布雷比斯塔1980演员 Muntii in flacari1980演员 La rascrucea marilor furtuni1980演员 Cowboys1980演员 ...
Vlad Tepes (the Impaler) was also known as Vlad Draculea (Dracul - the devil) because he was a member of the Dragon Order which had as a sign, a dragon. In the eyes of the simple villages, the dragon sign represented the devil. The simple village people then gave him this nickname -...