Go to t.code VL10CUA, for the sales and purchase order fast display profile, check what profile is assigned in the field Dlv creation. And for that profile check in t.code VL10CUC, in the profile, you can see number of days in the field MaxDlvCrteDate field. You may need to chang...
I need to create deliveries in the same way as T-Code VL10C, in debug, found that FM used is SHP_VL10_DELIVERY_CREATE. However, I'm not getting any result... passing the same parameters as VL10C T-Code, no documents is created. Is there something to know about this FM?! My co...
Lakshmipathi SAP Champion 2010 Oct 01 0 Kudos I dont think this through this TCode, you can see order status due to the fact that it is nothing but VL10A which will execute at header level of sale orders. If you want to check, you can check in VL10C where you can see open...