they got back to me and offered me a Gladiator NXT Evo “Space Combat” Edition right grip, and the Gladiator NXT Evo Omni-Throttle (left). I of course accepted, and was really excited to try them out!
有用VKB NXT和..萌新刚入坑,最近一直飞f18,想把按键设置的合理一些,看看大伙儿都怎么配的,特别是stecs油门上的设置
STECS STANDARD 整体安装在一块结实的铁板上,安装孔与Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog油门的一样,可以用作桌面独立设备,也可安装在支架。兼容MFH,可用于安装前置扩展模块。 配置: STECS底座 MTG-L MTG-R(预装按钮模块:2个单独按钮,1个三向按钮,2个五向按钮) 套装中包括的额外按钮模块:3个单独按钮,3个五向按钮,3...
I note many recommend the VKB Gladiator NXT but that isn’t available in the UK. I only need a flightstick with throttle and rudder control up to say £150 for use with a desktop PC. Steve C, Mar 6, 2024 #3 N NealHartley Win User Flight sticks VKB Gladiators, Logitech X52...