*/ if (next_glyph_rect.y + next_glyph_rect.h >= FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE_Y) { app_error_log ( true, "Out of glyph space in %.1f x %.1f font atlas texture map.", FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE_X, FONT_TEXTURE_SIZE_Y); exit (1); } } SDL_BlitSurface (next_glyph_surface, NULL, glyph_sheet_...
pub fn map(&mut self, map_info: MemoryMapInfo) -> Result<(), Validated<VulkanError>> { self.validate_map(&map_info)?; self.validate_map(&map_info, None)?; unsafe { Ok(self.map_unchecked(map_info)?) } } fn validate_map(&self, map_info: &MemoryMapInfo) -> Result<(), Box<Va...
throw std::runtime_error("failed to allocate vertex buffer memory!"); } // 绑定内存 vkBindBufferMemory(device, vertexBuffer, vertexBufferMemory, 0); // 内存映射,填充数据 void* data; vkMapMemory(device, vertexBufferMemory, 0, bufferInfo.size, 0, &data);//获取设备内存映射的内存地址 memcp...
.memoryTypeCount; i++) { if ((typeFilter & (1 << i)) && (memProperties.memoryTypes[i].propertyFlags & properties) == properties) { LOG_TRACE("FindMemoryType index : {}, properties: {}", i, properties) return i; } } throw std::runtime_error("failed to fin...
40 if (vkAllocateMemory(device, &allocInfo, nullptr, &textureImageMemory) != VK_SUCCESS) { 41 throw std::runtime_error("failed to allocate texture image memory!"); // 如果分配内存失败,抛出异常 42} 43 44 // 将内存绑定到图像 45 vkBindImageMemory(device, textureImage, textureImageMemory,...
printf("Failed executing vkGetMemoryFdKHR [%d]\n", r); return -1; } return fd; } 导入内存: CUDA_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_DESC memDesc = { }; memDesc.type = CU_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_FD; memDesc.handle.fd = getVulkanMemoryHandle(device, memory); ...
if(vkCreateSwapchainKHR(device,&createInfo,nullptr,&swapChain)!=VK_SUCCESS){throwstd::runtime_error("failed to create swap chain!");}vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR(device,swapChain,&imageCount,nullptr);swapChainImages.resize(imageCount,VK_NULL_HANDLE);vkGetSwapchainImagesKHR(device,swapChain,&imageCount,sw...
"that is my father please come to Wan Fei medical treatment while Ni her coldly spellbound but to see Hao look aside "Our home few guests Then the memory and practice many days not in vain surrounded by a group of men with vegetable greenhouses so that they grow flowers to sell no cost...