Once, the driver is up to date, check if the issue resolves, if not ty the next fix. Fix 5: Re-installing the VJoy Application If you had used the VJoy application in the past and then removed it for some reason and if the uninstallation had some errors then that might cause errors...
not exist in my windows registry. I manage to get it installing a previous version of vjoy ( (that creates this registry entry). Then I could export this to a HIDCLASS.reg file. Now every time I need to install vJoySetup-2.2.1-signed.exe in fresh new windows I can apply ...
The latest Windows 10 and Windows 11 signed version ( can be found atBrunnerInnovation/vJoy Virtual Joystick For much more go to vJoy web site:http://vjoystick.sourceforge.net To build the project: Pull the project Run batch file BuildAll.bat to get installer (in install/ director...
second source too if first is not pushed and OrXor1 third source too if first is not pushed, second isn't in used and OrXor1 + OrXor2 Pause: pause this mapping while a 'not1' condition double: pause this mapping while a 'not2' condition triple: pause this mapping while a 'not' ...