I ticked Input Repeater, went into IL2 to bind the axis, pressed one of the pedals and it came up with my race pedals, then pressed retry without pressing a pedal and the vjoy device showed up so I accepted that. Turned off Input Repeater and all worked! Edit: Just tried this again ...
Virtual joystick driver vJoyis adevice driverbridging the gap between any device that is not a joystick and an application that requires a joystick. Originally designed as areplacement to PPJoy, thisutilitysoftware allowskeyboard input to be translated to joystick input. If you develop a program fo...
If using vXBox Device Run the script FIRST andchoose 'Use vXBox Device'on the General Page of settings If this is the first time you will be prompted to Install ScpVBus, choose yes, then yes again on the security prompt to runDevCon ...
) "Pointy's Joystick Test App" is very useful when testing vJoy and this library:http://www.planetpointy.co.uk/joystick-test-application/USAGE --- import pyvjoy #Pythonic API, item-at-a-time j = pyvjoy.VJoyDevice(1) #turn button number 15 on j.set_button(15,1) #Notice the args...
Gamepad <N> LED Number- This is the "player number" assigned by the Windows system to every plugged-in gamepad. This is not necessarily the same as the device number you use to connect/control the gamepad (eg. gamepad "1" may get any of the 4 player numbers assigned to it, somewhat...
VJoyDevice(1) # turn button number 15 on j.set_button(15, 1) # Notice the args are (buttonID,state) whereas vJoy's native API is the other way around. # turn button 15 off again j.set_button(15, 0) # Set X axis to fully left j.set_axis(vjoy.HID_USAGE.X, 0x1) # Set ...