A study on the performance of Clarias gariepinus (fingerlings) fed with integrated fish meal as diet with two various level of formulations was carried out. The feed trial was for 77 days to compare the lengt...
想脱单、找对象,就来临清相亲点击下方关注“临清相亲”目前,临清市2023年老旧小区改造项目已完成立项批复、入户调查、设计方案初稿编制。近日,临清市中洲创新发展有限公司发布公告,计划投资7000万元,招标临清市2023年老旧小区提升改造项目...查看全文 相关企业信息 公司名称:临清市中洲创新发展有限公司 法人代表:国礼书 注...
Methodology A considerable percentage of Al Khawarizmi International College students are from different professional backgrounds. Having interviewed these students we were able to establish some of th...